Monday, 12 February 2018


Tyson likes falling asleep.
He likes being asleep too and is a very reluctant waker, but falling asleep is the best part for him. Especially when he’s tired.
Those moments when he’s sat on the settee and can feel sleep tugging him, but doesn’t go to sleep yet and instead sits there to finish whatever he was doing with his limited free time - reading, watching TV, playing a game, fussing over one of the dogs - before finally crawling into bed and letting sleep wash over him. Those are his favourite moments. Those are the moments he feels most at peace. No amount of meditation can feel as good as the moments when he surrenders to sleep and forgets the world completely.
Typically Tyson curls up as small as possible on his settee, to avoid pushing either his laptop or his dogs off of the other end. When he actually makes it to a bed, Tyson curls up and hugs his duvet; almost hiding underneath it. It’s a case of vulnerability. When he shares a bed with someone else, Tyson is very cuddly.
He knows how vulnerable he is when asleep, which is why he makes himself small (less of a target) and allows his dogs to sleep near him; added protection despite having their fur shed on the bed driving him up the wall. He has learnt that silk sheet will keep Bobby off the bed though, as he slides around too much and goes off to his own bed instead.
Taken at face value many would call Tyson lazy for usually sleeping nine hours a day. Those hours weren’t consecutive, however. To accommodate working for the web during the day and night - whilst still finding time for his maps and store, to look after his dogs, and exercise enough to keep himself to the standard he’d been in the army - Tyson tended to sleep in shifts of two to four hours between jobs.
Those shifts tends to run 03:00 - 07:00, 13:00 - 15:00, & 20:30 -23:30. However, that can change around a lot to accommodate the times that the Moriarty Mirrors need him up and about to complete jobs.
He wasn’t a heavy or light sleeper and, whilst often slow to wake, years in the army and web made his survival instincts razor sharp; especially when injured and on edge. The second boots hit the ground, Tyson is wide away. Until that moment, Tyson will stay cuddled up and comfy.

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