Within Tyson’s Pokémon AU, he is trying to keep the Moriarty Mirrors’ criminal empire running whilst they are absent whilst trying to mount a rescue mission to retrieve them from the Distortion World.
He is always busy with some task or another, and yet, this is one of the few verses where Tyson can easily be found taking a break to focus on his own goals. He has a huge task ahead of him, but one that involves a lot of waiting for intel or for wheels to be set in motion and - as such - his schedule is less hectic than usual.
Who knew that all it would take to give Tyson some peace and quiet would be to trap the Moriarty Mirrors in an alternate dimension?
In this verse, the most tragic thing of all is that Tyson - poor city boy, Tyson - is forced out into the countryside to track down information, targets, and to train with his constantly rotating team of his own Pokémon and those he’s training for others.
He rotates through Pokémon as his needs change, but it can usually be assumed that Tyson will have Anubis - his Lucario - on hand in most situations; to the point where most would assume that Anu & Ty had always been a pair.
After his time in the Distortion World, Tyson has been experiencing all manner of after effects both physical and mental. As such, he will also usually have the Blissey that the doctors’ assigned to him on hand. Though not one of his own Pokémon, Blissey is now a fixture in his life until Tyson is medically cleared.