The face claim for Lex is Aidan Gillen.Lex is for hire.A mercenary? A pilot? A prostitute? A realtor? A solicitor? Sure, if you’d like~A man of many talents, Lex is whatever he is needed to be. So long as that thing is a smartarse. If he can’t provide what is being asked of him, he’ll either find someone who can from a seemingly endless list of people who owe him favours, or he’ll learn to provide it next time.He’s loyal to his next pay check, nothing else. Until the web stops providing that pay for him, that is where his loyalty lays. Though Lex has no love for the Moriarty Mirrors, he sings theirs praises and flirts with them at any opportunity, but if left alone with a mop, Lex would start flirting. And likely succeed.Though Lex usually isn’t Tyson’s first choice to fulfill a mission for the web, preferring someone who has mastered the one specific trait he needs for the job at hand, the former Lieutenant and - supposedly - former Major have ended up working together many times. One man of many talents who actually enjoys his company is better than bringing along half-a-dozen other employees, who largely dismiss him as the second-hand pet.Tyson knows to keep an eye on Lex, that as soon as someone is brazen enough to offer him a better deal Lex would betray the web. However, Tyson genuinely enjoys Lex’s company. At times his constant need to fill silence with jokes can get on Tyson’s nerves, but for the most part it’s reciprocal; throwing quips back and forth, using barbed insults as compliments, flirting as a first line of defense and because it’s simply fun.After getting paid, fun is Lex’s main priority. He want to have fun, he wants to be fun, and that is how Tyson thinks of him. He is an explosion of jokes and smiles, and damn near costing them multiple undercover jobs because he broke character into waves of laughter mid-con. In return, Tyson is a lot more fun around him. He’s willing to let his hair - if not his guard - down. Tyson’s behaviour and morals reflects those around him, and Lex is a kaleidoscope of fun.When Lex says he needs a hand, Tyson nods and agrees; then sends a flurry of texts to make sure that it’s a job for the web, or at least not damaging to the web if it’s an independent contract. When Lex says he is in deep water and desperately needs Tyson’s help or he’ll die, Tyson rolls his eyes, orders take-out, and makes some coffee to bring with him for whatever stake-out Lex is currently bored out of his mind on.When Lex is riding high from a job well done and runs his hand up Tyson’s thigh, Tyson doesn’t falter. He nods and threads his fingers through soft greying hair, pulling Lex closer. Knowing that it’s just fun, that there are no consequences to agreeing or declining. There will always be another time, whether its just fooling around or rolling between the sheets. It’s all in good fun, just blowing off steam.
Knowing that Lex is infinitely less annoying when his mouth is busy, Tyson goes out of his way to buy ice-lollies for Lex; specifically Rowntree’s Fruit Pastille Ice Lollies, because of how perfectly they match the colours Tyson’s Synesthesia projects onto Lex.
His name is Liam Edward Xavier. Or was is Lewis Eliot Xavier? Or perhaps, Leonard Elijah Xavier? Lex may even be short for Alexander. He’s pretty consistent about Xavier, so that’s properly true and when he’s half-awake or drunk, there’s no mistaking that his Irish accent is genuine. He consistently comes back to the rank of Major in his cons, so Tyson suspects that part may also be true.
Ultimately, Tyson isn’t concerned about what the truth is around Lex. He’s harmless. He wouldn’t hesitate to slit Tyson’s throat if someone offered a better deal than the web, but - as no one can offer Lex something better - he remains utterly harmless.
Whenever he’s on a job with Lex, Tyson has two options: let Lex go smoke on his own and get into trouble or to keep an eye on him. Needing his wildcard in hand to be useful, Tyson nearly always chooses to accompany him. Then one of two things happen, he’ll accept his offer to share a cigarette or he’ll decline and end up shotgunning the smoke from Lex anyway.
Lex is useful in his role as a wildcard. He can mix up the deck and disrupt the web in a way that keeps the Moriarty Mirrors entertained, without causing too many problems. Naturally, he does end up causing problems here or there, but Tyson has his wildcard in hand: be that the metaphorical hand on his wallet, or the literal hand cupping him through his jeans.
Lex has a pet caramel carpet python called Toffee. She was originally called caramel, but Lex grew frustrated by the inevitable debate about how that word was pronounced and changed the name to Toffee instead. He genuinely loves Toffee and her terrarium takes up an entire wall of his apartment.
Allegedly: Major Liam Edward Xavier, a.k.a. Lex
- Blood Type: O Negative
- Date of Birth: January 17th 1970 – Capricorn - Rooster (Earth)
- DnD Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Dominant Hand: Left
- Ethnicity: White, Irish
- Myers Briggs Type: ENTP-A | The Debater
- Orientation: Pansexual
- Religion: Catholic raised
- Signature:

- Favourite Animal: Bush Viper
- Favourite Author: Neil Gaiman
- Favourite Colour: Red
- Favourite Film: Dungeons & Dragons
- Favourite Food: Mango-Mint Smoothie
- Favourite Plant: Moon flowers
- Favourite Poem: The Charge of the Light Brigade - Alfred Tennyson
- Avatar Element: Water
- His Dark Material’s Dæmon: Chameleon
- Hogwarts House: Slytherin
- Hybrid!Verse Pairing: Leopard Gecko
- Mass Effect Species: Drell Biotic
- Pokémon Team: Girafarig, Serviper, Shuckle, Camerupt, Kecleon, & Zorua.
Colour Tyson’s Synesthesia Projects Onto Them: