Earth!Verse follows Tyson’s normal timeline, for the most part.
Changes to the timeline:When Tyson's Synesthesia appeared, at age three, his mutation started to appear. At first small pebbles began to hover when Tyson was upset or had any other strong emotions, this was then followed by (dry) clay pots shattering when Tyson was upset or had any other strong emotions.By age nine the full extent of Tyson’s powers became evident. Tyson’s father - Professor John Delaney - did everything he could to keep Tyson’s mutation a secret whereas Jethro encouraged his younger brother, though powerless himself he did everything he could to help Tyson understand and control his powers.When his grandmother passed away in the same year it was the first time Tyson lost control over his mutation completely. In his emotional state he destroyed most of the back garden. It took four months for all the rocks and soil to be put back in place, and for new grass to take roots. The second time was when Tyson was fourteen, and Jethro ran away from home.During his time in the military Tyson kept his mutation secret. With the help of a large sum of money he managed to convince the medical officer who gave him his initial examination that the anomaly in his blood (evidence of his mutation) was an error with the machine.Tyson used his abilities to sense disturbed earth to find planted mines and to move rubble away from injured soldiers. The only people in the army who knew about Tyson’s mutation were Colonel Sebastian Moran and Captain John Watson, the two people Tyson was close to.When Tyson was forced to abandon the army by Sebastian, during 2008, his powers became weaker and he lost his control of them. The pain he suffered from the dent made it almost impossible to control his mutation.Tyson’s powers are controlled mentally. The damage done to him by Sebastian wasn’t only physical, it was mental too. Once The Soldier* came into being there became short period of time, during dire need, when Tyson was in completely control of his mutation once more, but as soon as The Soldier slipped back - and Tyson returned - his control disappeared.Once Tyson stopped traveling with Sebastian he got more control over his abilities, because he was in a better mental state and his powers are controlled mentally. However, The Soldier still maintains the most control over their abilities.Whilst traveling across the Middle East, in this outfit, Tyson learnt how to sand bend for self-defense and to protect himself during sandstorms.Tyson joined Moriarty at his normal point in time and is still completely loyal to the criminal mastermind. He works for his owners in the same capacity he does in his main!verse, but his owners do made use of Tyson’s mutations on the missions they send him on.
*The soldier is the same in this verse as in any other verse.
The Soldier is a shield for Tyson, it protects his mental state.Tyson can avoid stuttering completely and be completely in front of his actions, but only in short stints. After his time with The Colonel Tyson had been damaged physiologically, mentally, as well as physically. He was still The Soldier he once had been, but only in times of need. In the heat of battle or when medical care was needed the solider came out, as strong as he’d been in Afghanistan, but as soon as that need was taken care of he slipped away, using the thousands of broken shards of submissiveness Tyson has become as a shield to hide behind.Tyson has been too messed up to maintain that nature indefinitely. When there was need he could be in control, but afterwards he hid away again. It exhausted Tyson to take on this soldier like nature, but when in need his instincts took over and dropped his shield. That strength was always there and occasionally bleed across when Tyson felt strong enough about a topic, but otherwise it hid behind Tyson’s submissiveness for when it was needed.Tyson isn’t that aware of this, nor does he know that it is the beginnings of stress induced split personality. He knows that when threatened he would be stronger, more like he had been in the army, and that it felt like it wasn’t him doing the actions he had, but he doesn’t know that isn’t just his imagination.
Tyson’s default setting in time is just after the events of The Infinity Quest, but the Mun is happy to change the setting to any point in time in comic books or film timelines. The Mun is familiar with the films and a large amount of the comics, but every now and again I may need a reminder about specific events / characters.
At the moment Tyson isn’t a member of the X-Men or Brotherhood of Mutants, though he isn’t against either. Tyson is more inclined towards the Brotherhood, but he wouldn’t turn down the X-Men or be hostile towards those affiliated with that cause.
Tyson's powers.
Tyson is a Beta level mutant with the power of Geokinesis; earth manipulation.[[This power was chosen because the element that Tyson connects with most is earth.]]He can:
- burrow underground by creating holes/tunnels to travel through/hide in
- change the shape of earth, sharpen/dull objects, chisel earth [rocks/stones] by chipping away / slicing the earth
He can do this from a few meters away, but he has better control when touching the earth- compact earth such as sand and dirt into blocks of stone/earth
limitations: he can’t change the type of earth, only how compact the earth is [see bellow]- create earthquakes and tremors
limitations: Tyson rarely causes earthquakes or tremors on purpose, most of the time they happen when he’s in an unstable emotional state, and then when he does cause them on purpose he has little control over the earthquakes or tremors / the damage they cause- create tools, objects, weapons, armour, and even appendages out of earth
- any armour he builds around himself will slow his movements and confine how much he can move, until the armour is dropped/broken
- most commonly Tyson will build armour around his legs - up to halfway up his shins - to re-enforce his stance, the stronger Tyson’s stance the better control he has over the earth
- tools/objects/weapons crafted by compressing earth, rather than chiseling the earth, are weaker and liable to breaking easier as, rather than being one solid piece, they are made from many pieces
- geokinetic regeneration
- Tyson can only do this when seriously injured / in immense pain and in places where “the earth’s aura is strongest”: natural places that are relatively untouched by humans
- Tyson can feel these areas in the same way one can feel where a place is hot/cold, it’s a type of sense. He can’t seek out these areas, but he knows when he’s in one
- it is a slow process, normally five-six hours, that offers Tyson no pain relief during the healing process
- levitate earth
- ’surf’ using earth
- manipulate earth: (dry) clay, stone, rock, sand, salt, dry earth: dirt / soil, some minerals, and dust
limitations: if earth becomes wet (mud) then Tyson can no longer manipulate it- propel earth to attack and defend in battle
In combat Tyson prefers to use his powers defensively, only attacking when he truly needs to, but when he needs to attack he does so in a similar style to in his main!verse; Tyson uses stones to strike opponents at pressure / nerves points. He doesn’t use traditional weapons often but he still does use guns and knives in this verse when he needs to, after all he was trained to in the army and Tyson doesn’t want to let that knowledge go to waste.
When being defensive Tyson has multiple approaches, but the most common is to either summoning earth or pulling it up from the ground to shield himself or other people. This is the most common as it is, generally, a simple motion that doesn’t require too much concentration and - therefore - tires Tyson out less- sense/perceive vibrations / disturbances/anomalies in the earth
- teleport (using) the earth: Tyson appears to be absorbed by the earth then pushed back out somewhere else
- he has little control as to where he reappears, only the general direction he is sent in
- he can only teleport a few meters away, when his adrenaline rate is high and he is in a state of dire need to get away
- depending on how afraid Tyson is at the time, and therefore how stable his mental state is, Tyson can emerge as his disappeared (when relatively calm) or as though dragged through brambles or more accurately earth (when deathly afraid)
- things that are in the earth but not earth or types of earth that Tyson cannot manipulate [see bellow] Tyson can be damaged by, regardless of the mental state he is in during the teleportation
- very solid objects in the earth - that Tyson cannot manipulate, such as buried cars or concrete pillars - that are direction in the path Tyson was teleported and (more than) half Tyson’s size will ‘bump’ him out of the earth: either directly up from where he hit the object or a few paces back from where he hit it and up, depending on the speed of the impact
- when teleporting stones / earth can be brought with him, but not on purpose. As far as Tyson can tell it is random as to wither stones will come or not
He can’t:
- animate earth, such as Golems
- cause Avalanches, Mudslides or Quicksand
exceptions : earthquakes caused by Tyson can trigger the above, but they are not directly linked to Tyson’s abilities- change the type/form of earth, i.e. a slate stone can’t be changed to a limestone stone
exceptions / inclusions: he can compress earth [see above]- create/generate/increase earthen materials
- heal earth
- manipulate crystal, gravity, lava, oil, plants, magma, some minerals, mud, wet clay, or any artificial materials: concrete, glass, metal, et cetera
- manipulate earth that weighs more than an average female [African] elephant - or 3 tons / 6000 pounds / 2721.55 kilograms, if you want to be dull - and/or is more than fifteen meters away from himself
- manipulate earth when submerged in water
exceptions / inclusions:
- if a limb is above the water then he can manipulate earth
- if it is raining then his powers are weaker
- he can control earth that remains dry / is only wet on the surface such as stones and rocks, but earth that can be perimated by the water such as dirt or soil he can’t control the wet areas
- manipulate tectonic plates
- purify earth
- take flight using earth
- use abacomancy
Tyson’s powers are controlled mentally, but his control and strength are increased when he has physical contact with the piece of earth he is manipulating.Emotional changes in Tyson can trigger his powers accidently. Most commonly strong negative emotions will cause earthquakes. His damaged mental state means that Tyson has less control over his mutation than he used to, but he can act on instincts; i.e. catching a stone falling nearby automatically. The Solider has full control over their powers and utilizes them fully, though shifts in emotion have as much of an effect on him as they do on Tyson.Tyson’s mutation is linked to his Synesthesia.* When he suppresses his Synesthesia he also suppresses part of his powers. The Soldier never suppresses their Synesthesia, because he needs total focus and trying to suppress it takes away part of his concentration.Tyson doesn’t fully understand how his Synesthesia and mutation are linked, but they came in at the same time and Tyson has always understood both through mathematics (and physics).Tyson uses his abilities sparingly, only using them when he needs to in order to help keep his mutation a secret. He also tries to avoid using his abilities too often because they tire him out quickly, both mentally and physically.
*Tyson’s form of Synestheisa is the same in this verse as it is in his normal verse:
Tyson has a form of Synesthesia, when he sees people or animals he sees a series of maps - bones, veins, tendons, muscles - he has to concentrate to turn that off.It isn’t everything he sees, it’s like an over lay his brain created for what he sees. This applies to his own body and photographs as well. This form of synesthesia doesn’t only apply to people. Most of the time Tyson is concentrating hard enough not to see the maps but when in urban or rural areas and not concentrating, if he’s seen a map of the area, he’ll see the maps. He’ll recognise rock formations or specific building shapes and see the maps bent and folded over to match his viewing angle.Tyson can also flash memories maps and then recall them exactly as and when needed, it isn’t clear if this is part of his synesthesia or if it is a separate condition but he assumes it is part of it.Tyson’s fondness of mathematics isn’t only because he enjoyed mathematics, thought that plays a large part in it, but mathematics enabled him to understand the maps he saw from his Synesthesia. Thought there are likely to be other factors involved Tyson puts all credit to mathematics for enabling to understand the images that overlapped his vision.
Tyson’s lack of control over his powers means that he doesn’t live in London. He views it as being too dangerous, not only for himself but for other people. Tyson moves around every four months between a series of remote houses - provided to him by his owners - in the Scottish Highlands, the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Appalachian Mountains, and the Pontic Mountains in Northern Turkey. Various views of these homes can be seen under the tags: #homes-away-from-home, #scottish-highlands-home,#blue-ridge-mountains-home, #appalachian-mountains-home, #pontic-mountains-home. Tyson still has access to his apartment, it was gifted to him as a safe house by his owners, and owns the the family manor, he just doesn’t live in either location anymore.
His owners allow this because Tyson always returns when called in, does the job, then goes back home. This also means that Tyson made frequent trips to London, and other cities, to do jobs for his owners and to visit them, because he is still their loyal Pup in this verse and wants to see them often.
In this verse Tyson doesn’t have Lily or Bobby, the only pet he has is Jack. Jack isn’t any more welcoming to people who aren’t Tyson than he is in the other verses, Jack is truly a one man (or mutant) dog, but he is warmer to mutants than he is to regular humans. Jack, essentially, works as a therapy dog, soothing Tyson when he is upset and keeping him from getting lonely.
In this verse he gets around on his motorbike. Tyson has to replace parts on his motorbike often, because it takes a lot of damage during the off road journeys to and from his mountain home.
Tyson’s attire in this verse is mostly the same as in any other. The only change is that in this verse Tyson always carries around a burlap bag of stones, attached to the left side of his belt by an artificial leather strap. When Tyson’s wearing his working belt Tyson positions the bag between the metal flask of water and the metal container that works as a simple first aid kit.
Tyson carries the stones around at all times to make sure he always has access to some form of earth, even when in an urban setting. Tyson normally only has ten stones, roughly one inch at the longest points, of varying type because of the weight of the stones.