Tyson has more scars than purely those pictures below, however, those are a combination of the most severe and the ones that Tyson cares about: ones that came from mistakes, unavoidably his fault and his fault alone, or caused by The Colonel.
He is littered with small scars from a hard-fought life, working in dangerous places in the web/the army and from surviving everything The Colonel/being abandoned in the desert threw at him. These scars are largely small things attained over the years/changeable depending on the thread and Tyson’s experiences within them. Nicks from working with knives in the kitchen and in the web, grazing wounds from shrapnel in the army, et cetera.

Those scars matter more to Tyson than any of his other for a variety of reasons.
The dent in his torso for obvious reasons, his two dog bite scars because they were entirely avoidable, and the scar on his foot because it was the stupidest reason for getting a scar; the barbed wire scars hold similar contempt. The knife scars matter to Tyson because those were some of the rare instances with Sebastian used a weapon against him, rather than his fists.
The hockey injury stands out in Tyson’s mind because it was the only time he was hurt as a child, outside of by his father’s own hand, that his father completely dismissed Tyson’s pain. When his ankle broke, his father fusses.When Tyson wouldn’t put weight on his left leg, his father shouted.