Tyson skateboards in many of his verses, but the deck he uses changes depending on the verse.

The blue alien workshop skateboard with the grey outline is the skate deck that Tyson uses in this main!universe and in any other universe, unless otherwise stated.
The other grey outline is Tyson’s dirtboard, which remains the same regardless of universe. Outside of his mountain board, Tyson also has a bicycle (and motorbike) in his main!universe which also universally transfer over to his other universes.
Within Pokémon AU, Tyson uses his mountain board to get around. Often attaching a harness to Zenobia, his Zebstriker, and having her pull him around or removing its wheels and attaching a rope to Hermes, his Dragonair, and using it as a wakeboard.
* In Orphan AU 3 Teen!Verse, Tyson has the yellow/white panda skateboard with the blue box outline. The other blue outline is the skateboard that Tyson is saving up for as a replacement for when the panda one gets broken.
Though he takes good enough care of his things in this verse to keep the same deck from childhood to adulthood, as main!verse Tyson has, teen!verse Tyson has very limited money and had to get the panda skateboard secondhand from someone else in the orphanage.
* Within Hogwarts AU, Tyson’s skateboard has an enchanted deck that changes between those three designs/colours in the orange box depending on the angle that the board is leaning in. It’s designed as a beginners board to help understand their balance, but Tyson liked it enough to keep it.
To muggles, the board appears to be holographic/iridescent when viewed from different angles rather than dynamically changing because of the balance.
In Redemption!Verse, a sub-verse of Corruption!Verse, Tyson is teaching his nephew James how to skateboard when they take the dogs out in the morning. James’ skateboard is the Punisher Cherry Blossom skateboard within the purple box.
In HDM AU, Tyson uses the surfskate longboard within the green box instead of a skateboard. He does this to make room for his dæmon, Yenta, to hop onto the board when she gets tired of running alongside him. This also makes room for his dogs when they wish to join, but only for one passenger at a time.
Within Veteran AU, Tyson has taken to rollerskating with the pair in the brown box as a form of physical therapy in his recovery. He sometimes finds long walks difficult and rollerskating is an easier way for him to move around, Meg and Jack love to run after him like that.
* Currently unpictured in his Orphan AU and Hogwarts AU, teenage Tyson absolutely has heelys. Those will be appearing in their respective Pokémon headcanon marathon posts, whichsadlymust wait for Generation 5/6.