The face claim for Dick is Adam Rothenberg.Though the web is based and largely operates in London, its influence reaches far and wide. As such it became necessary to have employees in various places around the world. By no means the only or most important employee in the Big Apple, but Dick is Tyson’s main contact in New York; and America in general.As a crack shot and decent brawler with no great talent for words, most would assume Dick was hired muscle, if anything. In truth, the former marine has dozens of informants due to the web and overhears many things himself as he gives off the impression of not caring enough to sell your secrets, whilst also having an excellent memory for anything he does hear.Generally apathy takes no acting to achieve for Gannon. Dick fades easily into the background, just a friend-of-a-friend. Don’t mind him, won’t even notice he’s there. A gambler, a smoker, and a drinker; Dick can camouflage himself in any situation. At times, he almost looking presentable if one doesn’t look close. Tucked away in the shadows, the cuts on his hands, the bags under his eyes, and razor burn on his neck are easily overlooked.Tyson has always had a soft spot for strays. This old dog is no different, though not as old as he pretends to be. When he’s not pretending to be furniture, Dick is a prickly man, but then so is Tyson. When the salty dog grumbles that he “Don’t need no minder, kid,” Tyson know he meant ‘thank you’ and continues tidying up the beer bottles from Dick’s apartment.When he visits New York, for leisure or business, Tyson rarely bothers finding a hotel. He simply shows up at the web provided penthouse with Dick’s favourite takeout - Pad Kee Mao - and a case of expensive cigars, knowing that the other man would let him inside even without the gifts. He’s paid generously by the web, but Dick rarely bothers to buy himself anything more than the bare necessities; feeling he doesn’t deserve it or not having the energy to fetch them, depending on the day.More often than not, Tyson could have emailed and gotten the information from Dick, but Tyson will take any excuse to check on his stray mutt. His depression isn’t difficult for anyone to see. G.S. Gannon had a rough life. His days as a marine ended not during service, but during shore-leave when a car skidded across the ice, pining him against a wall by his right leg.Ultimately, despite initially looking as though he may recover, Dick’s leg was amputated bellow the knee. His honourable discharge had one silver living, Dick could now propose to First Sergeant Val Harding who he had been unofficially dating during their shared service. She accepted before he was halfway through a bumbling lead up speech.He began drinking far more to cope with his leg, but largely Dick was happy and - needing a hobby to keep him busy - learned how to play guitar. Until one day news came in that Val was missing at sea, and nothing else ever followed. By the time the web found him, Dick had to be hauled out of a Mariana Trench of debt. Tyson makes it his mission to try and cheer Dick up every time he visits.He lets Dick lead them around New York, despite his Synesthesia and the fact that Dick always gets lost. He claims that he’s a New Jersey boy, ain’t his fault. But as Tyson points out, he has lived in New York for far longer than he ever did New Jersey. Dick waves this off with a whatever, but he’s smiling and that’s what matters to Tyson as he redirects them to their actual location.On a good visit, he can cheer Dick up enough that he’ll play a few songs on his guitar and buy himself some rainy day treats. One a bad visit, where Dick is too deep in his own head, Tyson makes sure to clean up his apartment, restock the food, and has someone check on him every day to make sure he hasn’t done anything drastic.
Rather than ever talking directly about how they are feeling, Tyson and Dick will rank how they are coping mentally and physically with each other by using the phonetic alphabet: with ‘alpha’ being an amazing day and ‘zulu’ being awful.
Gunnery Sergeant Richard ‘Dick’ Gannon
- Blood Type: B Negative
- Date of Birth: December 2nd 1972 – Sagittarius – Rat (Water)
- DnD Alignment: True Neutral
- Dominant Hand: Left
- Ethnicity: White, American
- Myers Briggs Type: ISTJ-T | The Logistician
- Orientation: Demi-romantic, Pansexual
- Religion: Christian, Protestant
- Signature:

- Favourite Animal: Orangutan
- Favourite Author: Joseph Delaney
- Favourite Colour: Blue
- Favourite Film: Ponyo
- Favourite Food: Pad Kee Mao
- Favourite Plant: Lotus
- Favourite Poem: Invictus - William Ernest Henley
- Avatar Element: Water
- His Dark Material’s Dæmon: Raccoon
- Hogwarts House: Gryffindoor || In universe, Ilvermorny: Thunderbird
- Hybrid!Verse Pairing: Water Buffalo
- Mass Effect Species: Turian Biotic
- Pokémon Team: Nidoran♂, Dudrio, Cloyster, Sharpedo, Maractus, & Minior
Colour Tyson’s Synesthesia Projects Onto Them: