Jeremy Thornton
↳ Manipulative Scotsman, falsely protective butcher.Jeremy runs in a butcher shop, two stores down from Tyson’s pet shop on [Old] Board Street. Tyson and Jeremy have a business deal, of sorts. Tyson purchases the bones he sells for dogs in his store from Jeremy and sends people looking to feed their animals a raw diet to Jeremy’s butcher shop, as well as picking up his own meat from Jeremy. Tyson agreed to this because Jeremy sells good quality meat and because the Scotsman offers him a place to hide when his anxiety gets the better of him.During the come down from one of Tyson’s social anxiety induced panic attacks, Jeremy took advantage of Tyson’s openness to coax out every little piece of information about Tyson. Tyson still doesn’t know Jeremy’s reasoning for wanting that information, but it makes him very unease that the other man knows it. Mostly because the butcher keeps ‘joking’ that if he ever asked Tyson for a sexual favour, Tyson would be almost obliged to agree.Despite the butcher knowing almost everything about Tyson, up until Tyson met Moriarty, Tyson know virtually nothing about Jeremy; all Tyson knows is that his wife is Welsh and called Sue, that he owns a female English Bulldog called Cait, that he used to work as a plumber, and that he has three children, all boys. In Tyson’s opinion the butcher is too crass and too loud.Jeremy often comes across as protective of Tyson because, in a way, he is. A happy Tyson is a Tyson that brings customers into his store, so - with financial motivations in mind - he does as much as he can to make sure Tyson’s safe and happy. When Tyson brings anyone into his shop, he makes it clear that he’s there to look after Tyson.His hair is mostly grey, with last vestiges of its black colour on the sides. He has dull, pale blue eyes. Jeremy’s hands are covered in little scars, nicks from knives.
Even knowing that he could easily overpower Jeremy without regrets, the butcher still sets Tyson’s teeth on edge. He fundamentally does not trust Jeremy, but Tyson has never needed to trust someone to enter business with them; especially when that means he has an excuse to keep a wary eye on them.
Jeremy is a scavenging, cowardly opportunist who cares only for himself. He would gladly sell out any of his children - Rhys (28), Adam (24), & Gavin (23) - to save himself, without remorse.
Jeremy Thornton
- Blood Type: B Negative
- Date of Birth: March 24th 1959 - Aries - Pig (Earth)
- DnD Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Dominant Hand: Right
- Ethnicity: White, British
- Myers Briggs Type: ENTJ-A | The Commander
- Orientation: Bisexual
- Religion: Christian, Protestant
- Signature:

- Favourite Animal: Polar Bear
- Favourite Author: George RR Martin
- Favourite Colour: Purple
- Favourite Film: Breakfast Club
- Favourite Food: Caesar Salad
- Favourite Plant: Calla lily
- Favourite Poem: Nothing Gold Can Stay - Robert Frost
- Avatar Element: Earth
- His Dark Material’s Dæmon: Weasel
- Hogwarts House: Slytherin
- Hybrid!Verse Pairing: Meerkat
- Mass Effect Species: Human
- Pokémon Team: Farfetch’d, Murkrow, Houndour, Purugly, Bouffalant, & Patrat.
Colour Tyson’s Synesthesia Projects Onto Them: