Tyson was a punk as a teenager.
And in many ways, Tyson continues to be a dumbass punk.
In most of his verses, Tyson wore his brother’s leather jacket and used the same pins/patches as his main universe. There are three exceptions that we shall get into below.
In general terms, Tyson largely goes for positive pins/badges/patches. As is true in most of Tyson’s life, he would rather fight for something than against something: even if the end goal would be the same for both messages.
Main Universe

The first thing to note about Tyson’s main universe is that the jacket he wore is the jacket Tyson continues to wear in his main outfit, the leather jacket that used to belong to his older brother Jethro.
This means a) the jacket is not a style that Tyson would otherwise choose to wear, especially with the lack of pockets, b) that despite his decent height and broad shoulders, the jacket always looks slightly too big for him and c) that Tyson would never dare damage the fabric.
It’s a little tricky to see in the picture, but that union flag has a tab to attach it to something; the other side of the flag when looped over Tyson’s right shoulder like a pauldron. This meant that Tyson had something to attach things to without damaging the fabric and that he could quickly remove it, to hide this side of himself from his father at a moment’s notice.
That flag and almost everything that was attached to it was left behind in Tyson’s bedroom at the family manor. However, two patched remain attached to the jacket; the two that Jethro added before he ran away from home: ‘I am my brothers keeper’ & ‘O Pos’.
The blood type patch is stitched on the inside of the hood, by the collar. Easy to access and to point out to a medical team. Jethro attached that one when he decided he would be leaving that jacket for his brother when he ran away from home. The brother patch had been stitched inside the cuff of the left sleeve for almost as long as Jethro had the jacket.
Of all the pins, the one that meant the most to Tyson - the one that felt like most like rebelling against his father - was the ‘Not Perfect’ shield. He took it with him into his army service and now it’s hidden away in the bag of his old army gear, stashed away under his bed as a not-so-secret treasure.

As a teenager in Orphan AU, away from his father’s abuses, Tyson has much more confidence in expressing his own style; rather than the more subdued, secretive choices of the teenage Tyson from his main!universe. Also, he leans more towards being a pastel punk/hipster than his purely punk counterpart.
In this verse, Tyson chose to buy that jacket in particular. Second hand as that was all he could afford. It came with the Wonder Woman patch attached on the bicep of the left arm and Tyson had absolutely no inclination to remove it.
The other patches were stitched on by Tyson, on the right inside of that jacket, easy enough to see when its unzipped, but they are more for Tyson’s satisfaction than to be viewed.
Above the zip-pocket on the left side of his jacket, Tyson always has one of the ‘Please Adopt’ pins attached. Whenever there are people visiting the orphanage, Tyson grabs his spare version of the pin and attaches it to whatever t-shirt he was wearing that day.
Of his nine other pins, Tyson only wears three at a time on the right side of his jacket, rotating through them depending on his mood that day.

Though Tyson’s jacket is technically a very dark brown, within Hogwarts AU Tyson is loyal to the Hufflepuff colours scheme with his choices.
Here Tyson is largely away from his father, but Tyson is still bound by his responsibilities to the family legacy. His style remains less subdued than main!verse Tyson, but there is a stronger themeing and sense of loyalty to it.
He also isn’t afraid of damaging the jacket he snagged from a muggle market, as he can easily repair it with magic. Tyson cut out the inside lining of his jacket, originally an odd paisley, and replaced it with the Hufflepuff Quidditch Banner seen in the top right.
On the back of his jacket, Tyson has gold/silver wings like a Golden Snitch painted on; though magically enchanted to ensure the rain doesn’t wash them off. Though the Hufflepuff tie always remained around his left arm, Tyson daily chances which pin he has attached over the knot of the tie.
Along the line of the wing on his right shoulder, Tyson has handstitched the words ‘Half-blood and proud’ with white cotton. It felt important to him to do that part without magic and, though clearly amateur, Tyson is pretty proud of how neatly he managed to stitch the words.
The Nirvana patch is stitched over his right-hand pocket, with the flap covering the name, and the Robin patch is stitched neatly onto his left pocket. The feminist patch goes above the left pocket, like a name tag, and the Arc Reactor is stitched a little higher up over his right pocket; enchanted to illuminate when pressed, giving out just enough light to let him read in the dark.
The leather diamond patches are stitched across Tyson’s right bicep, whilst the two round fabric patches are stitched onto the left: one above and one below the permanently tied tie. The bee patch is only 1cm big and stitched onto the back of his jacket, when pressed the bee will walk to a new location to settle in.
Within his Honey Badge SU, Tyson has moved the tie over to his right arm to conceal the werewolf patch.He knows that it is incredibly unlikely that someone would decide that patch made him a werewolf, but Tyson is afraid of being discovered; whilst stubborn enough to want to be proud of who he is and refusing to remove the patch.

Though Pokémon is where Tyson’s jacket becomes most like the more subdued style of his main!verse and where he spent most of his childhood under his father’s thumb, Tyson had more independence due to having his own Pokémon; actually having those friends and companions outside of his brother and Jasmine.
In this verse, his jacket is thicker and more designed for rough treatment to better survive various Pokémon and travelling around with them. With the exception of the leather fish patch on his right bicep and the ‘mistake’ patch stitched inside the jacket, all of Tyson’s patches are on the back of his jacket in this verse. He always has the ‘sad soul’ pin over the ‘not dead yet’ patch.
With the exception of whichever pin or gym badge he has chosen to put as his ‘lapel’ pin on the left of his jacket, Tyson puts all of his pins/badges on the back of his jacket in his verse. This tends to avoid any of his Pokémon accidentally pulling them off when he’s interacting with them.
Tyson will occasionally pull out this jacket when he needs to go undercover with Team Skull, throwing it over their signature tank-top to better cover his scars. When he puts the jacket on these days, Tyson will pin a few of his league gym badges onto the jacket.
Travelling around in the Pokémon universe can dangerous, so Tyson has the First Aid and Nurse patch stitched onto his bag to reassure any trainers that he comes across that he can help patch them or their Pokémon up.