Saturday, 9 November 2013

Hair dye.

Whilst running away from the army and police across Europe, Tyson took the precaution of dying his hair to mask his appearance a little.

Tyson has rather sensitive skin so he took the safer route of using a natural, semi-permanent hair dye that washed out and needed refreshing after five days.

Originally he was only going to spend the time in Europe dying his hair a medium blond, which ended up being two months, but when he got back to Britain he continued doing it for another month; to be on the safe side.

Tyson has also repeatedly dyed his hair as a disguise on missions for Moriarty. To the current date, his hair has been dyed: 
  • Light Brown - on three different occasions
  • Light Brown, hints of Ginger - once
  • Medium Blond - on seven different occasions
  • Pastel Blue - on two different occasions
  • 'Honey' Blond - on two different occasions
  • Dark/Dirty Blond - on four different occasions
  • Black - on three different occasions
  • Light Ginger - on two different occasions
As soon as though missions were over Tyson washed out all of the hair dye to return his hair to it's natural colour. 

Though having his hair dyed helps Tyson looks less like his father, of whom he is the spitting image, Tyson prefers his hair to be his natural medium-dark brown [depending on how much light he'd exposed to].

Tyson's OCD impulses, habits, & ticks.

Tyson has low level OCD. He does his best not to follow through and comply with his impulses, in fear of his OCD taking over his life, but there are some that appear often.
  • He has to put items back in his bag in the reverse of the order he took them out.
  • He has to have the handle of his mug facing left when he isn’t holding it but others mugs can face any direction.
  • He has to tie his left shoe laces first, even if it means untying his right.
  • He has to use particular towels.
  • When being handed a food and drink, Tyson will always take the cup in his right hand and the food in his left hand.
  • When stepping off or out of a vehicle Tyson will always put his left leg out first, despite being right dominant for both hands and feet.
  • When eating from a bowl he stirs clockwise twice, then takes a bite, then stirs anti-clockwise twice, then takes another bite.
  • He always picked up the phone on an even number of rings.
  • He always buttoned the second lowest button of his shirt, then the bottom button, before going up his shirt and buttoning up the rest, usually ignore in the very top - collar - button.
  • He always taps the spine of a book twice before he opened it.
  • When getting into a car he'll buckle his seatbelt, unbuckle it, then buckle it again.