Sunday, 29 July 2012


[[This is more for my benefit encase I delete it by mistake, but still it might be of interest.]]
The stars represent how the songs change Tyson's mood, the further left the worse the mood the further right the better. Playing these songs in this order keeps him in the content mood with him bouncing around the room.

As always click to make it bigger. The list bellow the cut is why each song puts him in that mood.


Aside from the occasional two day stumble he has a smooth face, because his father had a beard which he grew to loath.

That went well...

Nearby Mirgarh Sebastian set fire to the dry grass with the end of his cigarette nearly destroying their supplies.

Rolling the tags.

When Tyson is nervous he'll role his dog-tags in his fingers.

Wrong arm

He has a jagged scar on his right wrist, caused by Razor [a dog from his first class] bitting the wrong arm, the one without the protector on it during attack training.