Though certain songs are important to him, Tyson’s enjoyment of music is largely passive.
For the most part, he listens to a mixture of classical music and video games soundtracks simply to have background noise to keep himself from getting too caught up in his own head. When actually wanting to listen to music, Tyson’s preference generally ranges from blues to rock to punk and alternative.
If one were to look at the playlists saves on his phone or laptop, however, a very different picture would appear. Almost every playlist Tyson has it tailored around someone he spends time around, songs he knows that they’ll enjoy or to put them in a specific mindset.
There are the obvious ones - a playlist for babysitting James and one for hanging out with his brother, Jethro - and some less obvious choices, such as the purely K-Pop playlist for when he’s hanging out with Billy or the video game soundtrack remixes for when he’s working with Nate.
Tyson will transition between two different playlists for Lex, as he needs to calm or energise him for the job at hand, and two for Dick; starting with cathartic blues to transition into more cheerful songs to encourage him into a better mood.