Friday, 22 June 2018


Tyson has a soft spot in his head for the spy/detective genres as a whole, but especially Noire.
The concept of ‘It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it’ appeals strongly to Tyson in his current line of work. Even - and perhaps especially - the parts that he is good at, Tyson hates the work he does for the Moriarty Mirrors and he’s never hidden that, but he will keep doing it for them untiringly.
The bittersweet sentiment that even when everything is horrible, grim and dark, there is still hope. Still a silver lining and a reason to keep marching forward. The idea that, however slim it may be, that silver lining is worth fighting for is a great comfort to Tyson.
He finds noire to be incredibly cathartic. He is trying to do as much good as possible, by minimising collateral damage and redirecting the crosshairs into better places. Tyson doesn’t think that makes him a good person, but he’s trying his best and, when he can’t find a silver lining, forging them himself.
That counts for something. His battle might be in vain, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not a fight work taking.