Though he generally prefers to offer a clean and quick death, Tyson isn’t completely comfortable with his use of poisons. It feels too poetic, too easy to detach from it and shake away the guilt of each kill. That doesn’t feel right to Tyson.
He keeps a lot of poisons and antidotes in his medicine cabinet, some that he’s acquired in his time in the web and some that Tyson has made himself. His medicine cabinet has three shelves: the top is the poisons, the middle is the antidotes, and the third in items you’d usually find in a medicine cabinet.
The vials are kept in coloured bottles with strings and labels attached which list the plants used in that poison or antidote written on so Tyson knows what they are, the colour of the card changes depending on if it is an antidote, green, or poison, red. The poisons are held in the racks test tubes are held in when in science classrooms.
He uses the poisons against enemies of the web, and also on Moriarty. It’s an old game between them at this point, poison in coffee to keep their immunity up and keep them on their toes.