The faceclaim for Nate is Harold Perrineau.Nate is the head of one of the legal firms that the web uses to drag its employees out of trouble when necessary. Relatively speaking, he’s a new edition to the web, having been recruited by Tyson on the Moriarty Mirrors’ orders.He’s smart as a whip and committed to his job, both for the law firm as a whole and for the web. When he’s focused on his job, Nate can seem cold, but he has a heart of gold and is impossibly generous with sharing his wealth. He might be a sugar daddy to multiple people, though that might also simply be a nickname; Tyson’s never gotten a definitive answer either way.Whenever Tyson shows up for a meeting with Nate, he will inevitably be told that he’s out to brunch. He’s pretty sure that Nate just likes making Tyson run around for him. It’s either that or he’s determined to try every location in London that serves brunch. Tyson has learnt not to argue with Nate about the necessity of brunch.Or about getting called syrupy names, like honeybun or sugarmuffin. It makes no difference, Nate will simply make up a new name. Some of which Tyson still hasn’t managed to decipher from his chicken-scratch handwriting. Despite this clear handicap towards understanding previous answers or notes, Nate loves puzzle books: especially logic puzzles.Nate is Tritanopia colour blind, but - regardless - he will defeat Tyson in almost any competitive video game. He has a grey Maine Coon called Flynn, that he got with his ex-husband, Preston; Nate is still on good terms with the ballet dancer. He grew up in New York with his adopted family. His original surname was Ryder.
At this point, Tyson isn’t actually certain that Nate and Preston are actually divorced, he also isn’t sure if they were ever married in the first place, or that they were ever even dating and aren’t simply like that together. He knows that neither are going to give him a proper answer and that they have the paperwork to cover for all possible outcomes.
Nathaniel ‘Nate’ Morrison
- Blood Type: O Negative
- Date of Birth: April 7th 1964 - Aries – Dragon (Wood)
- DnD Alignment: True Neutral
- Dominant Hand: Left
- Ethnicity: Black, American
- Myers Briggs Type: ENFP-T | The Campaigner
- Orientation: Demisexual
- Religion: Christian, Protestant
- Signature:

- Favourite Animal: Barn Owl
- Favourite Author: George R.R. Martin
- Favourite Colour: Green
- Favourite Film: Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
- Favourite Food: Dim sun
- Favourite Plant: Snowdrops
- Favourite Poem: Dreams – Langston Hughes
- Avatar Element: Fire
- His Dark Material’s Dæmon: Coconut Crab
- Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw || In universe, Ilvermorny: Horned Serpent
- Hybrid!Verse Pairing: Fox
- Mass Effect Species: Drell
- Pokémon Team: Flareon, Crawdaunt, Lopunny, Leavanny, Swirlix, & Crabrawler
Colour Tyson’s Synesthesia Projects Onto Them: