Though they walked incredibly different lives, Charlie and Hal were actually rather similar. Friendly and committed, hard workers who always have a smile on their face. Indulgent of Tyson whilst also calling him out. They both share a special place in Tyson’s heart, though for different reasons.
Charlene ‘Charlie’ Hotchner
- Blood Type: B Positive
- Date of Birth: August 31st 1982 – Virgo – Dog (Water)
- DnD Alignment: True Neutral
- Dominant Hand: Right
- Ethnicity: Black, British
- Myers Briggs Type: ISTP-T | The Virtuoso
- Orientation: Demisexual
- Religion: Atheist
- Signature:

- Favourite Animal: Puffin
- Favourite Author: Stephen King
- Favourite Colour: Violet
- Favourite Film: Argo
- Favourite Food: Crêpes Suzette, with orange slices
- Favourite Plant: Foxglove
- Favourite Poem: The Tyger – William Blake
- Avatar Element: Water
- His Dark Material’s Dæmon: Boa Constrictor
- Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
- Hybrid!Verse Pairing: Macaw
- Mass Effect Species: Krogan
- Pokémon Team: Umbreon, Misdrevious, Gastrodon, Accelgor, Haxorus, & Toucannon
Colour Tyson’s Synesthesia Projects Onto Them:

If you ask Yithrô or Rosie, Charlie is a delightful lady who became James’ nanny when Jethro was going through chemotherapy for cancer. If you ask Tyson, he would simply say that Charlie was family, and his brother and sister-in-law would agree. After all, Jasmine was also family; the maid at the family manor, who may as well Tyson’s mother as far as both of them are concerned. There was more to it than that, however.
Tyson was the one to direct Charlie to his brother, once he found out that Jethro had cancer, following the reading of their father’s last will and testament. Having been the one to terminate her last employer - after she handed over the key code to his penthouse - he knew she was looking for a job that involved less bloodshed than one the web would normally offer, and that she could keep Yithrô, Rosie, and James safe from their line of work; particularly The Colonel.
Officially the deal was that she could have an easy job away from the Moriarty Mirror’s criminal actives as a live-in nanny for a family that could afford to pay her any amount, whilst secretly acting as a bodyguard prepared to kill to protect them, and in return she got to keep her life and freedom.
Unofficially, Charlie was a talented mercenary who specialised in corporate espionage and subterfuge looking for a way out of that lifestyle. Tyson had worked with her several times before and they had become friends during a handful of undercover jobs. He makes it no secret that despite loving both Moriarty Mirrors, he hates their work and the jobs he does for them. The former Lieutenant leapt at the opportunity to broker that deal for her.
If it hadn’t been Tyson - their loyal Pup - asking for this favour, it would have been very unlikely that either Moriarty would have let Charlie go. For someone freelance, she knew far too much about the web’s business dealings. This way, she’s technically still under their employment and Tyson is more focused on his job, with the knowledge that his family is safe. It’s a good deal for everyone involved, until Jethro learns the truth of where Charlie came from.
With James now old enough to attend school and Yithrô healthy enough to return to work, there isn’t as dire a need for Charlie to stay around in her official capacity, but there will always be a place for her with them, for as long as she wishes to be there. After all, Charlie is family.
Currently Charlie lives in her own bungalow, but she’s less than half an hour away if they need her and looks after James after school until Rosie or Jethro get home. Sometimes when James comes down to London, on the weekends where Tyson babysits his nephew, Charlie will come down with him as an excuse to come see Tyson.
Harold ‘Hal’ Malone
- Date of Birth: February 15th 1983 - Aquarius – Pig (Water)
- DnD Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Dominant Hand: Left
- Ethnicity: White, British
- Myers Briggs Type: ISTP-T | The Virtuoso
- Orientation: Asexual
- Religion: Atheist
- Signature:

- Favourite Animal: Hippopotamus
- Favourite Author: John le Carré
- Favourite Colour: Yellow
- Favourite Film: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
- Favourite Food: Rhubarb and Custard boiled sweets
- Favourite Plant: Sweet Pea
- Favourite Poem: The Highwayman – Alfred Noyes
- Avatar Element: Water
- His Dark Material’s Dæmon: Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
- Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
- Hybrid!Verse Pairing: Beagle
- Mass Effect Species: Human Biotic L3
- Pokémon Team: Feraligatr, Slaking, Breloom, Hippowdon, Frillish, & Oricorio
Colour Tyson’s Synesthesia Projects Onto Them:

Hal served with Tyson in Turkmenistan, training service dogs for the army, from 2002 until 2006. Hal was the first real friend that Tyson made during his service in Turkmenistan. He wasn’t a mentor as Captain Samson had been nor was he a brother-by-all-but-blood as Captain John Watson is, but he was the first person that Tyson could genuinely say that he cared about beyond being colleagues.
When he wanted to trade ‘in compound chores’ for his own ‘out of compound duties’, to spend time with Kim, Hal was always the first to take up Tyson’s offer. He never judged or pressed for answers, beyond a little teasing, when Tyson returned with lip-stick stains on his shirt collar or without his boxers (having sacrificed them to Kim to convince her to wear at least one item of clothing), Hal just lent him whatever clothes he needed.
He was always the first to call it a day and settled in the shade with a frozen treat, but Hal worked hard and was usually the first up. Whenever one of the dogs needed extra encouragement to get through water exercises, Hal was the best choice of trainer. A quick wit, that was somewhat undermined by largely being pun based.
On the 7th of April 2009, Hal was killed on active service in Iraq by friendly fire. Tyson didn’t attend the funeral, his deployment wasn’t intended to end for a few more months. Then, Tyson was forced to abandon the army by The Colonel (Colonel Sebastian Moran) and it was another two years before Tyson returned to Britain, and another six months before Tyson could bring himself to visit Hal’s grave.