Knowledge. Emotion. Willpower.
Oh where, oh where - does Tyson belong?
For all that Tyson has great control over his emotions, far too many of his decisions are led by his emotions. He doesn’t allow himself to be overwhelmed by his emotions easily, but he gives them far - far - too much weight in his decision-making process; especially his feelings around The Colonel and the Moriarty Mirrors.
Tyson has incredible willpower when it comes to survival, in being too stubborn to die and refusing to back down. However, Tyson does not have the willpower to make the decisions he knows are the right ones: to walk away from the web, from the Moriarty Mirrors and from The Colonel. His willpower is incredibly specifically focused.
But - in his heart of hearts - Tyson will always be a scholar. Endlessly curious.
He values knowledge above all else. He wants to learn, to discover new things and understand how they work. He wants to share knowledge, to see other people take previous knowledge and build upon it, or even tears its foundations down and build something better.