Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Tyson's sex headcanons

Tyson has one or two things he likes during sex, but anything that could be considered a kink or a turn on is very specific, in this post anything that is listed as a turn on is less of that and more something he isn't opposed to. So here are some of those things expanded on and a few more things:

  • Tyson has a huge oral fixation. If the only thing he did in bed was to suck someone off he would be completely satisfied.
  • Tyson is submissive (sexually). He has tried taking a dominant role but he just prefers to sub. He is willing to take the dominant role occasionally, but rarely. This isn't to say he can't be rough or assertive, whilst still taking the submissive role, when the mood takes him.
  • Tyson hates restrictive clothing in all scenarios, sexual or not.
  • Being leashed is only a turn on for Tyson when it is with a tie.
  • Swearing is never really a turn on for Tyson but certain words can be a turn off. 'Fuck' is always fine, but 'cunt' will just annoy him.
  • Unless it's something that's been discussed with his partner beforehand then, calling Tyson a 'whore', 'slut', 'bitch', or anything of that caliber is a sure fire way to get kicked out of Tyson's bedroom.
  • On the other hand, calling him 'boy' will keep you in his bedroom. Saying 'good boy' will make Tyson absolutely melt. He shys away from praise in almost all other aspects of life, but here Tyson is so weak for any praise or approval.
  • He will always, always, deny having a daddy-kink; and - for once - his denials are the truth. Tyson's willing to call his partner 'daddy' if he knows it's what his partner wants, but he usually defaults on 'Sir'.
  • He'll also deny having a military-kink, but call him by rank [Lieutenant] and he's yours.
  • As he is circumcised, and has been as long as he can remember, Tyson has a mild fixation with foreskin.
  • Continuing penis headcanons, Tyson measures to six point seven inches [seventeen centimeters].
  • Tyson's views on cross dressing, here.
  • Asphyxiation is a no. Always no. Because of this.
  • Tyson's not a fan of spanking, but he won't complain about it if it's something his partner enjoys.

  • For the most part Tyson is willing to go along with whatever his partner wants to do even if he doesn't really like it. His tastes are fairly vanilla and even with the things he does like he doesn't mind if he doesn't do them. He honestly likes being vanilla most of the time, anything else is just an occasional treat.

    Tyson’s sexual orientation is gay, but his romantic orientation is bi. He can fall in love with women just as much as he can men, but he isn’t interested in women sexually. Cuddling is great and kissing is fantastic, but he’s not interested in sex with women. With a very strong bond with his partner Tyson would be willing to have sex with a women, but his mind would need to wonder for him to, shall we say, conclude as he isn’t sexually orientated that way. For Tyson it would be about pleasing his partner and being intimate with another person, rather than the actual act of sex.

    Things that Tyson likes:

  • Moaning

  • This post should give you a general idea of Tyson's view on moaning.

    In bed Tyson tends to be quiet, he's quiet most of the time, but he likes it when his partner makes sounds. Not when they are loud particularly, thought he doesn't mind that, but he just likes to hear them make a sound.

    Dirty talk tends to be hit and miss for Tyson, some he likes some he doesn't, as does growling though that depends on the night and can change during the same night, but moaning never ceases to turn him on.

  • Ties

  • Oh good lord. Nothing turns Tyson on more than ties, even if he will deny it until the end of the earth.

    Silk ties are his favourite because they are the most comfortable against his skin, but he enjoys the rougher friction from cotton or polyester ties every now and again. Thought if a polyester tie was used on him as soon as the sexual part was done he would complain about how poor quality the tie was and how it should be burnt. Multiple times.

    As already has been said anything that Tyson finds to be a turn on is very specific. So this can be split up into two seconds: his tie, your tie.

    His tie: If you use his tie as a leash - he is yours, sold instantly.

    If you want to tie him up with his tie then he only really enjoys it when his hands are tied behind his back and he is sucking someone off, though he isn't opposed to a different position he loves this one.

    Tyson dislikes the feeling of anything touching his wrists (or ankles) so any binding has to be loose and Tyson needed to feel able to free himself if he needed to so that he feels safe enough to relax.

    Your tie: see above for how it should be tied but with someone else's tie Tyson prefers to have his arms tied, together, above his head, either pinned there by another person or tied to a bed frame but he adores any position he's put in when it's another persons tie.

    He can't explain why it (whose tie it is) makes such a difference to him, but it does.

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