Though he rarely bothers to open the shop, Tyson does own Pup’s Pet Store; named by his nephew. It’s largely a cover story to convince his brother that Tyson does have a normal life and it can help cover his activities within the web if he gains too much police attention.
His sister-in-law, Rosie, designed the business cards for the store, so that receipts or any other papers from the shop could be slotted inside. She was also the one to create the forms for Tyson’s shop and maps. Rosie has since made an updated and larger range for him, so that Tyson can make his business look legitimate under scrutiny.
As well as selling pet supplies, Tyson offers a service where he helps people track down their ideal pet from the various shelters and breeders around London, and he will occasionally offer training if he likes the person enough.
He has a …deal of sorts with Jeremy, the owner of the butcher’s shop two doors down from Tyson’s pet shop. Tyson buys his meat there and recommends it to other people, and in turn Jeremy offers him a safe place to hide whilst making unsubtle comments about favours that Tyson might owe him.
The top floor of Tyson’s pet store is largely used as a place for Tyson to make his maps, as Tyson’s apartment lacks floor space to work on them and he keeps most of his supplies at the store. That isn’t to say that Tyson has a lot of space at his store either.
As the majority of the upper floor is often covered in drying maps, Tyson has a pair of long wooden planks and four rubber bricks to walk around the room without disrupting anything; and, naturally, has trained his dogs to walk over them too. Lily and Bobby will sometimes hop onto the planks even when nothing else is on the floor.
Tyson can pivot around the maps and sometimes when he’s working on too many at once, he will move the planks out of the way to free up more floor space, but he honestly finds it fun to balance on the blanks and it helps prevent any accidents from happening.