Tyson’s blood type is O Positive.
He’s never been particularly squeamish about blood. In fact, Tyson has always been overly calm about the appearance of blood. Especially his own.
Having more fear about blood might actually go some way towards making Tyson better at keeping his own on the inside.
Regardless of his level of magic exposure for his current verse, Tyson goes out of his way to avoid consuming blood. He’ll accept getting painted in it for the Moriarty Mirrors, allow Lex to feed on his blood in Mythical!Verse, and Tyson will even make a blood pact without flinching, but there is a certain Jewish nerve in him that bristles too much at even the possibility of ‘blood libel’ that makes that a hard line for him.
Generally, Tyson won’t flinch if he tastes blood from a split lip - his own or someone else’s - or if any gets splashed in his mouth during a fight, but whenever he has the option to lick blood away or scrub it off, Tyson will always choose to wash himself thoroughly. Even if it’s simply a small cut on his thumb.