Within the Location Change Verses Tyson has - for one reason or another - left his beloved Lovely Lady London and moved somewhere else.
↳ Chicago; Chicago!verse
In this verse Tyson is “taking a break” for a year. He’s still working for his owners - who are also taking a year away from London on business - but, for once, Tyson’s taking care of his mental health too. He’s taking his medication regularly and, reluctantly, speaking with a therapist who Jethro recommended to him.He lives in the suburbs of Chicago; in a house that conveniently has the same layout as his army!verse home. The only pets Tyson has brought over from London are Jack and Draco, the other pets are staying at the family manor.
This extended stay in Chicago is being treated as a training retreat in Tyson’s mind. Tyson has enjoyed his time in Chicago, but he is counting down the days until he and the Moriarty Mirrors can return back home.
Whilst taking care of his mental health, Tyson is also learning new skills for the web and trying to further develop the skills that he was already working on in London. To that end, Tyson is attending the University of Chicago to further his knowledge for his involvement in the American side of the web.
He is majoring in Law to help him understand how to get a better understanding of how the US legal system works, and minoring in Physics and Engineering; because he finds physics fascinating and he thinks it might help him follow along with the Moriarty Mirrors thought process when they get ahead of him.
Though he hasn’t changed his exercise route at all, Tyson is getting in better physical shape as his mental state improves. Actually eating regular meals and sleeping on a normal schedule to attend his classes has also helped improve Tyson’s health.
↳ Dublin; Dublin!verse
In this verse Tyson is living with his owners in Dublin. When the Moriarty Mirrors decided to take a break away from London, the Dublin ‘summer home’ was the obvious choice. Tyson came along at his owners’ request to keep them entertained and to keep Tyson safe from Moran.Since they’re relocation is only intended to be temporary, Tyson doesn’t have his own apartment. Instead he’s staying in one of the spare bedrooms of his owners’ home. Whilst here Tyson doesn’t have any of his pets, they are all staying at the family manor for the time being.
This house conveniently shared the same layout as the Scottish Highlands/safe house home. The bedrooms shuffle around so that Tyson is in Spare Bedroom (9), Mischief is in Spare Bedroom (7), and Sunshine is in Tyson’s Bedroom (11); though saying that both of the Moriarty Mirrors resided in the Office (12) would be more accurate.
Though Tyson will make use of the ground floor side entrance, he does not go up the staircase to the hallway the connects the Moriarty Mirrors’ rooms.
Between the three of them, time is relative. There is no such thing as a regular schedule and the kitchen has become a place to drop off take-out rather than a place where food is prepared.
This house is running on organised chaos, but everyone is largely happy. Business for the web is booming and having a slight distance from London is giving them a better view for untangling a few problems with restructuring their criminal empire for further expansion.

↳ Istanbul; Istanbul!verse
In this verse Tyson is station in Istanbul as part of a team over seeing the development of the Moriarty Mirrors’ web there. Tyson is temporarily there. The plan is that he’s only meant to be there until the web is set up there, then he’ll return to London with the other employees when a permanent team takes over.Though Tyson isn’t in Istanbul permanently, it’s still a long term stationing. Whilst here he has all of his usual pets and is staying in a house that conveniently looks the same asearth!verse’s Appalachian Mountain’s home.His owners appear every now and again to check on events, but mostly stay in London. This means that Tyson is generally sadder in this verse. He enjoys communicating to the Moriarty Mirrors through texts, but it’s not the same as being able to see them face to face on a regular basis.
Istanbul has always been an important trade city for its location and Tyson’s purpose there is to establish a network for the smuggling side of the criminal empire.
There are a few criminal contacts to make, but this side of the web can largely be trusted to run itself once the infrastructure is established. However, it is important to have a trusted pet - their Pup - out there to make sure that it’s a watertight system before then.
Though Tyson isn’t best pleased about the location change, he is glad that Lily and Bobby seems to have taken well to the additional heat. Lily especially. A few months in the sun is good for them; Tyson too, but he refuses to acknowledge that.
↳ New York; NYC!verse
In this verse Tyson is stationed in New York rather than London. His owners are trying to branch their operation out more and wanted another pet working in New York. He does the same work he normally does, just out of his New York apartment; which conveniently has the same layout of his usual home. Tyson has all his usual pets in this verse.His owners appear every now and again to check on events, but mostly stay in London. This means that Tyson is generally sadder in this verse. He enjoys communicating to the Moriarty Mirrors through texts, but it’s not the same as being able to see them face to face on a regular basis.
Within this verses, Tyson is working closely with his primary US contact: Dick Gannon. He isn’t certain if he’s a good influence on Dick or if Dick is a bad influence on him, but overall Tyson thinks that they work well together and have managed to find a good balance in getting the job done.
Tyson honestly really likes New York. Not as much as he does London, but it does feel like a home to him. He doesn’t want to leave London behind completely, but Tyson could be content setting down roots in New York.
Whether Tyson remains in New York permanently is still in the air. It isn’t exactly necessary for him to remain in New York, per say, but it’s not necessary for him to return to London either. For the time being, Tyson is most useful in New York.
With that in mind, Tyson has started to lay out storage boxes and safe houses around New York, like he has set up around London. Some of those are for employees of the web, and some are personal supply stashes. Starting from scratch has been an interesting learning experience for Tyson.