Thursday, 17 July 2014

Tyson wishes it had been harder to let Kim go.

Tyson and Kim came to a peaceful, mutual decision to end their relationship on a good clean note. At the time Tyson agreed that it was the best option.

However, looking back on events, Tyson wishes that he’d fought harder for Kim.

He wishes that it could have been hard to let her go, that it had been harder for her to let him go, that they’d tried to make it work. Just for a little longer.

She broke his heart and he broke hers with their decision, but it was a ‘cold close’.

The end of their relationship just… happened.

Sleeping habits

Typically Tyson curls up as small as possible on his settee, to avoid pushing either his laptop or his dogs off of the other end.

When he actually makes it to a bed, Tyson curls up and hugs his duvet; almost hiding underneath it. It’s a case of vulnerability. He knows how vulnerable he is when asleep - very slow to wake and, though not a deep sleeper, not a light sleeper either - which is why he makes himself small (less of a target) and allows his dogs to sleep near him; added protection despite having their fur shed on the bed driving him up the wall.

Tyson usually sleep for nine hours a day, in shifts (03:00 - 07:00, 13:00 - 15:00, & 20:30 -23:30) so he can be work in the day whilst still being out at night: to walk his dogs away from the majority of people and to do his work for Jim.