Generally speaking, Tyson doesn’t mind bugs. He prefers that they stay outside, but he certainly isn’t squeamish about them. Whilst Tyson know it definitely isn’t kosher, he doesn’t baulk at the idea of eating insects; though he doesn’t exactly jump for joy at the prospect either.
He hated that science class where everyone had to go outside and collect bugs with the insect pooter, but that was more that Tyson has OCD and absolutely did not trust the other students to keep them clean. He also found it much easier to simply open the lid and scoop up insects that way instead.
Part of the family manor’s grounds is a meadow of wildflowers and tall grasses, in the spring and summer that field was full of butterflies. Most commonly Painted Lady (Venessa cardui) and Red Admiral (Venessa atalanta). Dragonflies could be found in the eastern part of the grounds, in the forest where the river ran through and the pond was.
As a child, he found Ladybugs and Greenflies fascinating. Caterpillars too. Anything that could be found by examining both sides of tree leaves was interesting to him. Tyson used to climb up trees that he found those bugs on to see how far up they could be found.
He finds mosquitoes as annoying as anyone else, especially on humid summer days when he ends up walking through a cloud of them, but Tyson tends not to get bitten. This is fortunate as Tyson’s skin is pretty sensitive to chemicals and thus, he can’t really use mosquito repellent too much.