Sunday, 11 February 2018

London Underground

Though Tyson is generally uncomfortable in vehicles, he is the most comfortable when travelling by train. Whilst the train remains in that station, Tyson gets anxious about being around so many people, but the moment the train begins to move, he relaxes.
Tyson is more comfortable in a cramped, crowded underground train carriage than out on the open London streets with a small crowd on the pavement with him. For him, the London underground exists in another world that takes him where he needs to be and the people around him don’t matter anymore.
The London Underground is a safe place for Tyson. It’s home. Seasonally colder or warmer than the ground above, a safe cradle to retreat into and escape everything above. The lifeblood of the city he loves so much. The underground tunnels his Synesthesia allows him to follow around London from above.
Tyson could easily fall asleep on the London Underground and feel safe, not waking up in a panic or tensed for a crash at any moment. He doesn’t just lower his guard on the underground, Tyson’s armour dropped entirely. The weight stripped and lifted from his shoulders.
Within the London Underground, on the train or the tunnels leading to the stations, Tyson is weightless. Invulnerable. Without consequence. He’s not afraid of being attacked there, but he’s also more confident when enemies of the web are foolish enough to attack there. He is in his element.
The London Overground, the various train lines all over the United Kingdom, and the New York Subway are also comforting to Tyson, but not to the same extent. Waterloo, Victoria, & King’s Cross Station are all comforting signs that he’s back home; Lovely Lady London welcoming him home. More so than Heathrow or Gatwick airport.

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