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red // orange // yellow // green // blue // purple // pink // beige // fire // ice // water // air // earth // claws // fangs // wings // gold // brass // diamonds // grass // leaves // trees // roses // metal // iron // rust // rain // snow // lace // leather // silk // rope // velvet // denim // cotton // sun // moon // stars // blood // dirt // mud // silver // steel // sugar // salt // pepper // lavender // glass // wood // paper // wool // fur // smoke // ash // cigarettes // cigars // candy // bubbles // ocean // city scape // bruises // scars // wind // spices // light // dark // paint // lingerie // charcoal // wine // phone // hard liquor // sweat // tears // dust // lips // smiles // bare feet // hats // canine // feline // coffee // tea // books // photos // sketches // analog // digital // clockwork // scratches // petals // thorns // hay // glitter // heat // cold // steam // frost // dewdrops // candle // sword // dagger // arrow // staff // hammer // axe // shield // spikes // sand // rocks // roots // feathers // pearls // rubies // sapphires // emeralds // amethyst // herbs // waves // lightning // sunlight // moonlight // rainbow // money // clay // stone // brick // lions // wolves // eagles // black // white // birds // eyes // hands // flowers // angels // heaven // holiness // hell // medicine // needles // sharp objects // guns // mechs // dragons // pastels // dreams // poetry // video games // hacking // neon // distorted images // spiders // insects // deep water // elysium // graveyards // death // resurrection // nature // churches // priests // crosses // sacrifice // skulls // nymphs // strings // instruments.
Head canons this is based on/related to these images:
- Favourite colours: Red and Purple. Also, the colours he’s dyed his hair including pastel blue.
- Tyson’s connection to Earth and Water
- #Relevant because I’ll always say Tyson is Icarus
- A young spent memorizing poetry (and everything else, up to and including Latin verb tables) and reciting it like a good little heir.
- #Because Tyson favours knives over guns, also mentioned in too many headcanons to properly link. Plus Tyson and fencing, and his favoured type of fencing swords
- Tyson favours herbal teas over coffee, plus other food preferences
- He’s a city boy. Through and through, he loves lady London and - sometimes - she loves him back, moments of succour when he most needs it. But regardless, a deep respect and admiration of nature.
- Tyson and fielding-stripping his cigarettes.
- Awake at odd hours, but ultimately a night owl who ends up seeing the dawn and dewdrops.
- Despite claiming to be lazy for not pushing himself at all times, Tyson pours his blood, sweat, and tears into everything he does. He works hard to keep himself to the standard he was in the army, and ‘Perpetually a Kicked Puppy’ has had more than his fair share of heartbreak and blood spilt; as well as spilling it
- Analog and clockwork. He’s analog: old fashioned, favouring a straight razor and three piece suits, and he likes to tinker: having a whole warehouse to do so.
- Medicine and herbs. Tyson is always injuries in some way or another, and he does take medication and recreational drugs on/off to cope with that and his mental trauma. Plus, everything he gets injected with for Moriarty’s amusement/experiments.
- Hands, for all his dislike of strangers touching him, Tyson is a very tactile person. He likes to touch and explore, to experience new sensations. He likes to be playful. Always curious, always a scholar in his heart of hearts, no matter how far he tries to run from the family legacy. Also, the majority of his nervous ticks/twitches and OCD impulses are in his hands.
- Calm comforts, the dog (Lily) and her faithful human. Tyson’s connection to earth, combined with his meditation and need to organize: habits ingrained from his time in the army alongside his OCD and anxiety. Plus, Tyson collects rocks and comic books, knives, and has a coin collection.
- Blissful nostalgic romance with Kim, the hardship of the army, and little Icarus burning himself up for The Colonel. His love for calm water, and inability to stay out of trees ( and high places in general, see rooftops and fire escapes) when there is an opportunity to climb one: additionally, Kim was a carpenter. Smoking and cleaning his knives (and guns) to comfort himself during his service/working in the web, repetitive tasks that keep his hands busy. Always a moth to a flame, despite his phobia of fire: alcohol, and thunder/lightning.
- Neon city lights, shining on rain soaked pavements at night. Pretty pastel flowers, treasured but always given away, never kept: lacks a green thumb, but has a fondness of cacti and uses a lot of plants to make poisons. Knows the Victorian language of flowers, often using it to add messages to otherwise anonymous gifts: the way he tends to give gifts, outside of flowers. Roses, a romantic at heart. Brothers, sisters, and siblings fallen in battle: never forgotten, remembered in metal. Cities patiently, lovingly, sketched in black and white from memory.
- Young punk wrapped in the leather of his older brother’s jacket, delicately handling the treasures in the family library. Rebelling and running from his upper class, even as he adores the legacy it built. Gorgeous stars capturing his imagination and Synesthesia, new maps against his skin. New stories to tell: he grew up loving Greek myths, and now writes stories for himself and his nephew.
- Rich boy born on royal (purple) silk with a silver spoon in his mouth, groomed to be a perfect heir: red-blooded and ruthless as his father, already the spitting image of him. Rusted, broken and bruised; The Soldier (
borderlinesplit personality disorder), all sharp edges to hide and protect what’s underneath.
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