Saturday, 5 January 2019

Jethro and verses

Though he’s often further away and less directly involved once Tyson grows up, Jethro was there at Tyson’s side across (most of) the verses to help - or, at least, try to help - Tyson find his footing within that world.
  • Avatar!Verse
Tyson and Jethro were taught their respective bending types from tutors, but Tyson could look to his father for assistance when struggling. Anne had already left by the time Jethro showed any ability with fire.
At times, Jethro found himself longing for the praise of their father and that connection to his family, and homeland, through earthbending, but he was proud to take after his mother. As he grew up, Jethro became glad that he had firebending. Something truly his own.
  • Hogwarts AU
In Hogwarts AU, Jethro went with Tyson to get his wand.
Where Tyson’s wand was black with a sleek spiral design on thin wood, the back of Jethro’s wand was smooth polished wood patterned by its natural grain whilst the front third was blackened ridges narrowing down into a point.
As is the case in most matters, Jethro takes more after their mother than Tyson does in this regard, but - for once - Tyson cannot fall back on the comfort of being like their muggle father. Anne’s wand was naturally coloured with a curved handle and small spikes along it.
Jethro was slightly disappointed that Tyson wasn’t sorted into Ravenclaw with him, but at the same time, he was incredibly proud that Tyson had made a choice for himself. Not to please their father or to please Jethro, but one for his own good.
  • MassEffect!Verse
Jethro was present with Tyson’s biotics first manifested.
On the one hand, it was an amazing experience to see mass effect fields for the first time as reality warped and the flagstone of the patio were ripped from the ground. On the other hands, his brother’s accidental use of energy snapped his forearm in half and left Jethro with a crying brother to console, and a father to vid call at work from the nearest hospital.
As Tyson learnt to control his biotics, Jethro was proud - and a little jealous - of his little brother’s skill and the control he exerted over them, but Jethro has never forgotten the sound of Tyson’s arm snapping or how helpless he felt to protect him after that moment.
Jethro was also present when Tyson’s semblance manifested at a family ball. He was the one comforting the hyperventilate Tyson, still pulsing out weak burst of aura in fear, whilst John growled at the offending drunkard into donating generous and leaving with to promise never to darken their halls again.

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