The face claim for Billy is Halle Berry.Tyson and Billy are working from a point of Mutually Assured Destruction.If Delaney doesn’t feed her tips about criminal operations in competition with the web and any corporate corruption rumours that come his way, she’ll expose his true career to the world; endangering those he loves. If Ramsey doesn’t keep quiet about his work, he’ll ruin her career by reveal where her information came from; and stopping the funds going to her daughter, Pepper.Neither are cruel people. Neither Tyson nor Billy want to hurt the other, and the people in their lives, like that. However, it’s a fact of their arrangement that the danger in there on both sides. Frenemies is the best way to explain their relationship. They get on well enough, but here will always be a rivalry to their interactions. Trying to out play each other: Billy trying to get more information out of Delaney, Tyson trying to lead Ramsey’s attention towards enemies of the web.Though Billy is now a freelance reporter - primarily investigative, and current events to pay the bills - she got her start in the fashion columns. A passion that never truly went away. Whenever Tyson sees her, Billy is wearing at least one new item. She doesn’t wear much jewellery, usually only earrings, but she seems to have a different hat for every day of the year. Whilst vests and tank-tops are fine, Billy has a hated of t-shirts that she’s never given a straight answer to Tyson about.“Ha, get it? Because I’m-”
“Yes, you’re a lesbian. I know, Billy.”As such, Tyson had ended up being ‘gifted’ innumerable t-shirts from the various events and conventions that Billy has covered. Rarely something Tyson would wear of his own volition, but they come in handy when he needs a disguise for a role: for himself or Lex. Mercy be the generic unisex medium sized t-shirt standardisation.When Billy was little, her father used to call her a ‘silly, billy, little goat’. It was a name that stuck around. Her twin brother Oswald apparently also had a similar nickname. One she refuses to tell Tyson, claiming that it only makes sense if one sees Oswald’s reaction to it and Tyson has yet to meet the older - “But only by, like, two minutes - so it doesn’t really count.” - Ramsey twin.Before their rivalry began, Tyson met her whilst walking his dogs, as a fellow night owl wandering around Bushy Park. They bonded over a shared sense of underwhelming disappoint over that name, a dislike of alcohol, and a love of autumn, though Tyson can’t match her love of Halloween. On that first night, he also learnt that she hates every type of bug and insect.Since then, Tyson found out that she loves hot chocolate with whipped cream and hates tea with a burning passion. He took her took adopt her cat, a three-legged Abyssinian Cat called Quip, because she doesn’t shut up. Ever. An adventurous cat who cares more about playing than cuddling, and meows even whilst she’s asleep. Quip is missing her back left leg entirely, seemingly from birth, and lacks hearing in her right ear due to infection from years living as a stray.Billy has a daughter, Pepper, who is currently attending Cambridge University to study zoology and archaeology. She only applied as a pipe-dream, knowing that she could never pay the tuition. However, when Pepper was accepted by the university, Billy refused to let her give up such an amazing opportunity for financial reasons.Knowing his history with the university, Billy went to Tyson, willing to beg and plead, to hand over every scrap of evidence against him. None of that was necessary. Tyson was happy to use the family fortune to pay for Pepper’s education. So long as Pepper completes her education, and Billy doesn’t expose him, Tyson will pay for her tuition and any expenses.He ran from the family legacy of teaching mathematics at Cambridge, but - in his heart of hearts - Tyson will always be a scholar and he loves Cambridge, both the city and the university. He has a kind heart, and goes out of his way to do good to atone for the work he does for the Moriarty Mirrors. Even if Tyson will only admit to the first reason, Billy knows the whole truth.
Billy and Quip are a perfect pair, in that neither will ever shut up for all the gold in the world and yet - somehow - it is impossible to stay mad at either of them. Billy may ramble ceaselessly, but she’s so genuine in her words and so enthusiastic in her explanations that Tyson finds it impossible not to get drawn in by her energy.
Bailey ‘Billy’ Ramsey
- Blood Type: AB Negative
- Date of Birth: January 24th 1965 - Aquarius – Snake (Wood)
- DnD Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Dominant Hand: Right
- Ethnicity: Biracial (Black/White), British
- Myers Briggs Type: ESTP-A | The Entrepreneur
- Orientation: Lesbian
- Religion: Spiritual
- Signature:

- Favourite Animal: Hyena
- Favourite Author: Michael Morpurgo
- Favourite Colour: Emerald
- Favourite Film: Who Framed Roger Rabbit
- Favourite Food: Sea salt ice-cream with a honeycomb slice
- Favourite Plant: Maple Tree
- Favourite Poem: The Sound Collector – Roger McGough
- Avatar Element: Fire
- His Dark Material’s Dæmon: Hummingbird
- Hogwarts House: Slytherin
- Hybrid!Verse Pairing: Mouflon
- Mass Effect Species: Volus
- Pokémon Team: Swablu, Castform, Chimecho, Liepard, Gogoat, & Pumpkaboo
Colour Tyson’s Synesthesia Projects Onto Them:

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