Tyson’s Orphan AU is split into four separate parts:
- Orphan AU 1 - Child!Verse - (Jethro and) Child Tyson
- Orphan AU 2 - Child!Verse2 - Child Tyson
- Orphan AU 3 - Teen!Verse - Teenage Tyson
- Orphan AU 4 - Teen!VerseLDN - (Jethro and) Teenage Tyson
Orphan AU 1 - Child!Verse - (Jethro and) Child Tyson
In this verse when Tyson’s mother left his father, when Tyson was four, Tyson and Jethro were send to the orphanage as their father wanted nothing to do with his sons anymore.In this verse Tyson is eight years old [face claim: Zachary Gordon] and Jethro is twelve [face claim: Léo Legrand].Tyson and Jethro both go to a Hebrew school in the verse and share a room. The room they share has a single bed and a bunk bed. The single bed is empty, but your character could go there if they were in the orphanage too. Whilst the top bunk is technically Tyson’s, he will usually elect to sleep in the bottom bunk with his brother where he feels safe.Jethro coddles Tyson and is highly protective of his little brother. Jethro is strong headed and quick to a challenge, but he is equally capable of being open and caring. It depends on how people respond to him and, more importantly, his little brother.Tyson’s social anxieties are clear in this verse, he is shy and - more often than not - can be found hiding behind his older brother. Here Tyson and Jethro still have advanced understandings of mathematics for their ages, but not to the same extent as in the main verse: since they don’t have the advantages of having a mathematics Professor for a father to teach them anymore.If asked to talk about mathematics Tyson’s face will light up and he can - if he gets going - avoid stuttering as he speaks about this, but yawning or acting disinterested as Tyson talks about maths is one of the quickest ways to [emotionally] hurt Tyson.Jethro is very sporty and tried to encourage Tyson to join him in football and rugby practice as much as possible, but Tyson is afraid of getting hurt by ‘the bigger boys’ so can be found at the edge of the pitches watching his brother play. Sometimes Tyson will sketch the other people playing, but most of the time he just stays quiet and watches.Tyson’s Synesthesia still exists in this verse, but he doesn’t bother to suppress it at all. He is yet to understand why no one else sees the maps that he does, he’d always assumed that everyone else could see the images he could. Jethro has helped Tyson understand it more, but - since Jethro can’t see the maps - he can’t do much to help his younger brother with this issue.
Tyson and Jethro are near inseparable in this verse.
As much as Jethro tries to encourage Tyson to find his own footing, he can’t help mother-hening him and swooping in at the slightest hint of trouble. For Tyson’s part, he’s trying his best to stop worrying his older brother, but can’t help feeling as though he’s letting Jethro down; like he let their father and mother down.
Tyson’s childhood issues with blood sugar remain in this verse and Jethro always had sweets to hand in case Tyson needs a boost in the middle of the day. For his part, Tyson never lets his rucksack out of his sights and anything important to him is kept close at hand inside of it.
Jethro has a box of keepsakes from their family home that he keeps under his bed: old photos of their mother, his end of school year reports from Cambridge, and information about their Delaney family legacy that they were apparently such disappointments to. That box doesn’t see daylight often and certainly never when Tyson is around to see inside.

Orphan AU 2 - Child!Verse2 - Child Tyson
In this verse when Tyson’s mother left his father, when Tyson was four, Tyson was sent to an orphanage without Jethro. Their father had never made it a secret that he favoured the older son so decided to send Tyson away on his own.In this verse Tyson is nine years old [face claim: Zachary Gordon].Here Tyson is shy, but curious. Without his brother to protect him, Tyson has to look after himself. This has meant that Tyson tries a lot more to interact with other people, he often fails to interact and withdraws into himself shyly, but he tries to make friends with other people and is curious about the world.Tyson’s Synesthesia still exists in this verse, but he doesn’t bother to suppress it at all. He is yet to understand why no one else sees the maps that he does, he’d always assumed that everyone else could see the images he could.Tyson hides, a lot. When his anxieties get the better of him, Tyson will run away into the first hiding spot he finds to avoid teachers, strangers, other children, et cetera. Once a hiding spot has been 'compromised’ - found - Tyson won’t return there and will run off to a new hiding spot until he feels safe enough to come out again.In this verse he goes to a Hebrew school, because of a request his father made when he left Tyson at the orphanage. Tyson has been told why he goes to a different school than most of the other children. He gets good grades, especially in maths, but he doesn’t have friends at school. He’s tried to make friends with other children, but he finds it hard to interact with other people.Tyson’s most prized possession is a ring bearing the family crest. The ring itself is a titanium/silver blend, there is a black circle of Black Tourmaline about the size of a five pence piece on the top of the ring pressed down to the level of the ring, and then the coat of arms is engraved into the stone in silver. It was given to him by Jethro before he left to go to the orphanage. He wears the ring around his neck on a silver rope chain and never takes it off.Tyson’s room has three beds: a single and a bunk bed. He doesn’t share this room with anyone at the moment. He sleeps in the single bed.
Tyson is scared and hurting in a way that he doesn’t even understand in this verse. He feels abandoned and alone in a way that he doesn’t know how to express. It never feels like enough for the young Tyson. He tries so hard to make friends, to please everyone, but he doesn’t know how to and Tyson is terrified to failing; of getting thrown aside again.
Yet, Tyson does not know how to express that fear. He doesn’t know how to process what happened to him. He was too young to remember most of it, but that separation traumatised Tyson nevertheless. Tyson lost his mother, his father, his brother, and his childhood home. He feels that loss, even if he doesn’t remember it.

Orphan AU 3 - Teen!Verse - Teenage Tyson
In this verse when Tyson’s mother left his father, when Tyson was four, Tyson was send to an orphanage without Jethro. Their father had never made it a secret that he favoured the older son so decided to send Tyson away on his own.This verse is further in time than Orphan AU 2, Tyson is fifteen in this verse [face claim: Skandar Keynes].In this verse Tyson is less shy, having had more socialisation than in any other verse, but he is still defensive. He doesn’t stutter anymore, but only talks when he has to and - generally - avoids talking to other people. Tyson’s Synesthesia still exists in this verse, but he doesn’t bother to suppress it at all.Tyson’s room has two single beds. Tyson currently doesn’t have a room mate and sleeps in the bed nearest the window. This means that the room is covered in sheets of paper and articles about mathematics - and some maps - that interest Tyson. He doesn’t speak openly about mathematics in this verse, but he doesn’t hide it either. He choses to only speak about it when asked. Under Tyson’s bed - along with other possessions - are a bag of fencing equipment and another bag of cricket equipment. Under the bed Tyson also keeps several notebooks with sketches, mathematics notes, and the occasional map.Tyson’s most prized possession is still a ring bearing the family crest. The ring itself is a titanium/silver blend, there is a black circle of Black Tourmaline about the size of a five pence piece on the top of the ring pressed down to the level of the ring, and then the coat of arms is engraved into the stone in silver. It was given to him by Jethro before he left to go to the orphanage. He no longer wears the ring on a chain and instead keeps it on his right middle finger. The only times he takes off the ring are when he’s swimming and when he’s fencing.Tyson prefers not to exercise when not strictly necessary, but he is part of a fencing club and cricket club outside of the orphanage. He enjoys both sports, but he doesn’t boast about either sport. He dismisses any achievement in the sports, no matter how many tournament medals he has won; 5 for fencing and 3 for cricket.Tyson still goes to a Hebrew school. He gets good grades (top set in mathematics, history, english, science, geography, and art; middle set in technology, music, German, drama, ICT, and RS; not in any bottom sets) but doesn’t enjoy going to school. He often finds it too loud at the school, so retreats to a quiet corner of the library.Tyson has come to terms with his sexuality, being gay, but he is just to fully understand his orientation: being sexually gay, but romantically bi. He understands that he has had [romantic] crushes on girls, but he is yet to understand why that interest doesn’t extend to any sexual feelings.Though there is some overlap with adult Tyson’s wardrobe, teenage Tyson’s wardrobe appears in this tag.
Teen!Verse Tyson is a lot of bluster and false confidence. He is more confident and socially adjusted than actual teenage Tyson, but he is also desperate to prove his worth and will gladly jump through a thousand hoops for any sign of approval.
Whenever he’s out of the orphanage, Tyson can either be found making his way to the library on his heelys for some peace and quiet, or people watching from somewhere he isn’t technically supposed to be: a nearby fire escape, a tree in the park, or tucked between two cars; desperately hoping that he goes unnoticed.
His talent for trouble is unhampered. He doesn’t go looking for trouble, for opportunities to hide bruised knuckles from the guardians at the orphanage, but Tyson has always been too curious for his own good. He wants to prove that he can be useful.

Orphan AU 4 - Teen!VerseLDN - (Jethro and) Teenage Tyson
In this verse when Tyson’s mother left his father, when Tyson was four, Tyson and Jethro were send to the orphanage as their father wanted nothing to do with his sons anymore.This verse is further in time than Orphan AU 1, Tyson is fifteen years old [face claim: Skandar Keynes] and Jethro is nineteen [face claim: Cody Christian].As far as the Delaney brothers were concerned, getting separated was not an option. Jethro’s eighteenth birthday meant having to leave the orphanage and his brother behind. That was unacceptable, though the pair had known it would happen for years, and - as such - had years to plan.Those years spent planning didn’t exactly improve the quality of plans concocted by two desperately afraid teenagers with far too much courage and nothing to lose. Jethro left the orphanage at eighteen, then suddenly dropped completely off the map with his younger brother in tow.Several even more questionable decisions and acquaintances later, Tyson and Jethro are now living in London under false identities: Anthony Hawthorn & Reuben Hawthorn.Strictly speaking, Jethro works a normal legal job as a junior chef to provide a home for his younger brother. That normal job simply happens to pay unusually well to provide their excellent flat of questionably low rent, as both the restaurant and their apartment complex may happen to be financed by the same criminal organisation.The formerly Delaney, now Hawthorn brothers are in over their heads. Jethro is frequently sent off on - technically - innocent errands for their mysterious sponsor and Tyson is being groomed for criminal activities; having already proven himself to be a natural pickpocket and having a good head for planning.In this verse, ‘Anthony’ is largely the same as Teen!Verse Tyson; wearing the same leather jacket and riding the same skateboard. For the time being, Tyson is free to continue attending school under the name Anthony, though he’s been given friendly encouragementby their patrons to take up boxing rather than fencing.However, there are debts to be paid in their futures. For now, they get to enjoy a relatively cushy life, but both are keenly aware that eventually the demands made of them will escalate; and there is nothing that either can do to prevent that.‘Reuben’ is easily recognised as the same Jethro that ran away from the Delaney family legacy in Tyson’s main universe, however he now has to carry the additional responsibility of caring for his brother and trying to get them both out of the web he inadvertently trapped them in.
Though he misses fencing from time to time, Tyson has taken to boxing rather well. He can feel his brother’s disapproving frown every time that Tyson returns from the gym, but pleasing their patron is in their best interests and Tyson does enjoy boxing. He finds it to be a good way to vent his fear and frustrations, without coming home with bruises that set Jethro fretting again or cause ‘Anthony’s school to call with concerns about his care.
That Tyson could easily go professional with his fencing and potentially pay off the debts the brothes owe is a large reason why he was discouraged from continuing it. This fact hasn’t escaped either brother, but equally they know that wouldn’t be a guarenteed solution to their problems either.
It wouldn’t have been his first career choice and he would prefer not to know that a large portion of the customers have more talent with knifes than the staff, but Jethro does enjoy working as a chef. It’s the other parts of his job that bother ‘Reuben’. The unofficial ‘if you have a free moment’ parts that have him dreading the day he doesn’t return from one of those errands.

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