Tyson’s favourite type of weather is coincidentally one of his favourite phrases in Hebrew: שמש חולה (Shemesh Khola : sick sun), or שמש שקרנית (Shemesh Shakranit : lying sun), the weather when the sun is out, yet the atmosphere is cold.
Rain holds less affection in Tyson’s heart. The constant, dismal onslaught of rain from the British weather takes away a lot of the joy rainfall can bring, but even so, he appreciates the mathematical challenge that rain can give. He knows the formulae for predicting where each raindrop will fall. His view on rain does improve once he’s inside, however.
He hates bright sunlight, though he doesn’t need his sunglasses anywhere near as much as he pretends to. He is generally happier after he has been exposed to bright sunlight and his eyes shift to green, however. Or, rather, Tyson is happier when he actually gets any degree of sunlight instead of hiding inside.
His phobia of thunder and lightning is well-documented at this point. The hypersensitive dent in his torso and the dog bite scar on his shoulder react badly to the cold, but Tyson honestly loves how London looks covered in snow. He likes winter more than he’s willing to admit, though Autumn will always be his favourite.
Hot weather is his bane. He has too many bad memories surround hot places to tolerate it. Though thunder and lightning will get to him, Tyson’s memories of Sebastian’s assault in the monsoon don’t pass onto storms quite as strongly. Storms - and strong winds in general - put Tyson on edge, but they don’t provoke such a visceral reaction.
After so long serving in the army and surviving on his own, Tyson is good at guessing the weather. He can certainly always feel cold weather coming in the left side of his torso.
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