Monday, 2 April 2018


Though Tyson has rather sensitive skin when it comes to chemicals, he doesn’t get sunburn easily nor does he tan. His eye colour is affected by light exposure, but Tyson’s skin is always pale from a lack of sun, and far too long spent working by night.
Tyson’s freckles come and go but on his left shoulder, there are always a cluster of five soft brown freckles on his pale skin. It takes a lot of sun for freckles to appear on Tyson’s face, but he can end up with a few across the bridge of his nose. It’s most noticeable in the photos from his days serving in Afghanistan.
In bright sunlight, Tyson needs his sunglasses far less then he acts as though he does. He picked up the habit of always wearing his sunglasses during his army days and it never really left. He can’t afford to miss a threat because he’s squinting against the sun. Plus, it gives him an excuse to conceal his eyes from view; to avoid direct eye-contact and flit his gaze around for threats.
He tends to wear sunglasses with straight arms, because he hates the feeling of anything behind his wear.

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