Friday, 13 April 2018

Choosing the right pet

Though Tyson rarely opens Pup’s Pet Store for the public, one of the services he offers when the store is actually open is to help people find the right pet for them; and more importantly in his eyes, the right person for that animal.
Tyson struggles to read and understand people, but Tyson knows animals and he’s good at reading how they’re feeling.
Within his main!verse, he found homes for all of Lily’s puppies: with the exception of Bobby, the runt of the little whom he always intended to keep. He was also the who found Toby (the Beagle) for John Watson to adopt and helped train him in the year that Sherlock was pretending to be dead, and he took Billy to adopt her cat, Quip.
He has a good memory for the general behavioural quirks for the majority of cat and dog breeds, though Tyson will admit that he can give far more detailed answers when it comes to how a dog can be expected to respond.
Having spent so much of his life handling service dogs for the army, Tyson has a good understanding of what an animal will need in those first few weeks and what they will need once they’re acclimatised. He knows how to train them and how much energy/time is needed to achieve certain things.
Tyson is an incredibly patient person, but he still understands the frustration of not feeling as though progress is being made with an animal. He is in a good position to help break through that communication wall and encourage a person to keep trying, to offer alternative solutions and provide that training himself if needs be.

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