Even in corruption!verse, Tyson couldn’t bring himself to kill Sebastian Moran on purpose. He forced Sebastian to back off by stabbing him during one of his attacks, having never previously stuck out against Sebastian with any weapon, but even then, Tyson couldn’t bring himself to kill Sebastian.
Tyson had The Colonel at his mercy and he just… pressed a kiss to Sebastian’s forehead and walked away. He shrugs it off as not being worth the effort to kill Sebastian, but Tyson simply couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Tyson’s relationship with his brother, Jethro, had become somewhat strained. Jethro doesn’t know exactly what’s happened to Tyson, but he knows that his brother has strayed even further from the right path and he doesn’t know how to discuss it without escalating into an argument.
Sleeping with Lex has gone from an occasional, rare distraction to frequent stress relief in corruption!verse. His wildcard continues to be exactly that. Tyson could easily put him to heel, but his usefulness in keeping the web dynamic and the Moriarty Mirrors entertained remains.
Billy is in too deep, too compromised, to stop Tyson anymore with all the evidence he has to hold over her head. However, it’s rare that he pressures her for information and information that would damage enemies of the web usually end up in her hands instead.
Dick Gannon and James Delaney continue to be Tyson’s precious boys. Within corruption!verse, Tyson indulges Dick’s drinking a little more, but he stills cares about getting his stray back on his feet. Tyson’s nephew remains enamoured with his uncle and Tyson will do anything to keep him safe.
For all the Moriarty Mirrors efforts in corrupting Tyson into a weapon, the man who joined the web isn’t completely gone. He doesn’t go out of his way to make up for the bad he does within the web, but he will go out of his way to nurse a baby bird back to health out of principle. He won’t abide anyone hurting a child.
He is their weapon, but he is also their Pup. The mathematical prodigy with too keen eyes, a talent for maps, and secret smiles hidden behind his palm as he watches Jim’s tongue poke out in concentration as he works on his latest gadgets or toy. He’s still the pet to show up with coffee and sandwiches because he cares about looking after the Moriarty Mirrors.
Though Tyson is good at covering over his tattoos with make-up when he needs to for the web, he has never stopped hating having to conceal the ones on the back of his neck. They have become the bane of his existence.
When he’s not having to cover them up, Tyson honestly loves those tattoos. Running his fingers over the runes and sigils has almost become a nervous tick, a simple comfort taken from the temperature of them. A constant connection to his owners.
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