Tyson’s current pet project of things he’s learning and perfecting for the web, and for the amusement of the Moriarty Mirrors, is hacking.
His code is still relatively simple and he hasn’t fully settled into his own ‘style’ yet, but Tyson is getting better steadily. He always was a quick learner and anything mathematical is comfortable for him to embrace.
Largely Tyson is required to hack into security systems, whilst providing surveillance for employees of the web, to guide them through to the end and then wipe any evidence of their appearance afterwards. However, he knows that Moriarty will keep making the tasks more and more complicated for him.
Though Tyson hasn’t completely found his own style yet, there are a couple of tells already developing in his formatting. Rather than giving names like ‘Block’ or ‘Option 1′, Tyson goes by a naming format for code that makes more sense in his mind, for example, BA2O1I3 for Block, Action 2, Option 1, If 3.
The downside of using that format is that Tyson uses it for everything in a different way. So, if he goes back to code he’s written previously, Tyson needs to read through the enter thing to remember what each letter and number referred to in that specific piece of code rather than being able to jump in and edit freely.
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