Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Food Quirks

Unsurprisingly, Tyson has several quirks when it comes to food and drinks. Three of these are impulses related to his OCD:
  1. He has to have the handle of his mug facing left when he isn’t holding it but others mugs can face any direction.
  2. When being handed a food and drink, Tyson will always take the cup in his right hand and the food in his left hand.
  3. When eating from a bowl he stirs clockwise twice, then takes a bite, then stirs anti-clockwise twice, then takes another bite.
Tyson is one of those people when it comes to chocolate bars, always biting it into separate parts: be it nibbling off the chocolate coating first or biting off the back to eat the filling before the wafer. This also includes biting off the toffee/chocolate from a toffee/candy apple before starting on the fruit.
He does something similar with sandwiches actually. He tends to favour buying subs, but whenever he’s eating a sandwich with crusts, Tyson will eat the crusts off first before eating the rest. The exceptions are tuna melts or chess toasties where he’s more concerned about not burning his hand with cheese that has reached nuclear levels of temperature.
When eating a meal, Tyson will focus on one type of food before even thinking about tasting another. Usually, that means eating all his meat before turning his attention to vegetables or pasta. Sauces and gravies are the exceptions, he can mix those with his food without feeling off.
Similarly, Tyson tends to view soup as something to dip crunchy things in or retrieve delicious chicken/dumplings from rather than an actual meal. It’s one of those foods that he can mindlessly eat without wearing out what limited appetite he’s managed to summon up.
Bread is very important to Tyson and he can comfortably eat bread on its own without complaint. However, he hates eating sandwiches without butter in them as he finds them too dry; even if they already have something like jam in them. That is most likely a carryover from packed lunches of varying quality made by the staff at the family manor when Tyson was at primary school.

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