Tyson keeps all of the letters he gets, other than bills and junk/advertising mail. Tyson has mail from him army days, from his owners, from his brother, and from his friends.Tyson thinks that letters are special, that it matters that someone took the time to write or type it out. He keeps the letters in a box under his bed, where he keeps most of the things in his apartment.Tyson takes his time writing letters, making sure that it is neater than his usual slanted, scruffy writing and often using specific stationary for specific people. He takes his time with letters.
There are dozens of letters kept in that shoe box, but to cherry-pick some notable ones:
Tyson has dozens of letters from his brother Jethro that were sent during his army days, but another notable one is the copy of a doctors letter that Jethro forwarded to him in his monthly care packages that confirmed Jethro had been completely cleared of cancer.
From those care packages, Tyson also has a few letters that his nephew slipped inside before it was sealed up. Some of those were pictures he wanted his uncle to see and others were copies of book reports that he was proud of.
He has a well-thumbed letter penned by a blindingly drunk Sebastian, and presumably posted in the same state else it would never have reached him, begging Tyson to come back. Tyson knows that every promise he makes on that page it empty, that Sebastian will never change, but equally Tyson can never stop loving him regardless.
He has a letter from General Clarkson that came with a Glock 17 9mm pistol to offer Tyson protection from Sebastian, as a form of apology from General Clarkson for the years Tyson was presumed guilty. That apology did nothing to improve Tyson’s own guilt about what happened.
Tyson has a copy of the letter his father wrote in Tyson’s defence when he was presumed guilty for the shooting of General Clarkson, during the period of time when General Clarkson was in a coma and unable to disprove this. Tyson’s copy remains completely sealed. He kept the letter, but he has never felt brave enough to read it.
There are many letters that his father wrote to him but never sent in his office in the family manor, but Tyson can’t bring himself to enter that office now that his father passed away. Jasmine - with Tyson’s permission - has read through most of them. She thinks it would help him to read what his father though but never said, but understands that he needs to be ready first.
Tyson has a handful of letters from the Moriarty Mirrors, usually containing challenges for him to complete and sealed with wax. Other letters contain contingency plans, what to do if they have to disappear suddenly and stay off the radar for a while, and ways to keep the web running until they can return.
He has various recommendation letters from various professors at Cambridge and from his commanding officers in the army. Tyson hardly needs those and he’s reluctant to use them for web purposes, but he likes to keep them around in case of an emergency. If he never has to uproot and start from near scratch.
And here are two letters that people wanted to send to him, but that Tyson will never ever receive, because they were destroyed after being written. *

* Mildly incorrect sentences/grammar are on purpose for Kim’s letter, she could speak English fluently, but would occasional use both options were only one need apply (how to get / find you) and at the time when she would have been writing this letter as a way to vent what she couldn’t say to Tyson, it would have been years since she was using English even semi-regularly.
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