Thursday, 11 January 2018

Thunder and Lightning

Tyson has a phobia of thunder and lightning.
This is his only phobia to have a specific nervous tick related to it, beyond his default nervous tick: a slight twitch in the first two fingers of his left hand.
Taking a sharp breath and tensing. – There is thunder.
For the sake of that masterlist, I wasn’t as specific there as I could - and, perhaps, should - have been. It’s not simply that Tyson tenses up around thunder and lightning. His entire body locks upand he will stay frozen for several seconds that feel like hours, heart hammering, before coming back to himself.
His phobia wasn’t created until his time in India with The Colonel. There were several instances of thunder and lightning happening, sometimes in alarmingly close proximity for how exposed their current position was, however there was one moment that Tyson can say cemented it; as, for how awful that moment was, the one thing he can get clear memory of is the sound of thunder and flashes of lightning.
Tyson had gotten caught out in a monsoon with Sebastian, a drunk and - as often followed - very angry Moran. He had taken a harsh beating that night, but Tyson honestly can’t remember the specifics. He can’t remember the wind whipping around them or the rain pelting down. Just the roar drowning out Sebastian and flashes of his face in darkness.
He has a stronger reaction to hearing thunder than seeing lightning. Which is likely why he is comfortable with Tesla Coils. Whilst its natural form is wild, electricity can be controlled. Tyson actually has a Tesla Coil and Faraday Cage set up in his warehouse near Bath.

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