Friday, 21 March 2014

When are you going to realize that nobody's going to swoop in and save you?

Tyson never thought that someone would swoop in and save him. He didn't come to the conclusion that no one would save him, instead if was something he'd simply accepted the second he went off with The Colonel.

However, it took him a very long time to realise that he was going to save himself and that he didn't need anyone else to save him or fix him; something which he later became very passionate about.

After parting ways with Sebastian and escaping military capture, Tyson had simply accepted that he wasn't going to make it. He never consider giving in or stopping trying to find safety, but somewhere in his heart he'd accepted that the odds were stacked against him; that this would be his undoing.

It wasn't until Tyson made it to German, holed up in a Munich hotel room with Lily whilst he waited out a sprained ankle, that Tyson realised he'd saved himself. At this point he'd been travelling through Europe to avoid detection for over a month, but only now did he realise that he was safe. There was nothing that told him this, it just dawned on him all of a sudden.

Up until that point Tyson had believed that he was always going to fail, that he wasn't good enough to survive.

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