Friday, 8 November 2013

Misc medical facts

From age four till five Tyson had weak ankles. It was almost guaranteed that if he ran he would twist or sprain at least one of his ankles. This was caused by a lack of calcium. Some medication and an ankle brace solved the problem almost completely, just as he was approaching his sixth birthday, but Tyson still twists his ankles easier than most do. Usually it’s his right ankle that gives out, but not always.

Up until his time in the army Tyson had perfect teeth, not a single cavity. He’s never lost an adult tooth, but during his time travelling across the desert - where water needed to be conserved and, at any rate, he was without a tooth brush for several months - he gained two cavities: one on the top left wisdom tooth and the other on a mid-bottom right molar. Since then both cavities have been filled in with white fillings that can’t be seen and Tyson has taken good care of his teeth. Tyson has all four of his wisdom teeth. The only one to cause him issues when growing in was the bottom right tooth, which needed to be ground down by the dentist to fit his mouth more comfortably.

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