Saturday, 9 November 2013

Hair dye.

Whilst running away from the army and police across Europe, Tyson took the precaution of dying his hair to mask his appearance a little.

Tyson has rather sensitive skin so he took the safer route of using a natural, semi-permanent hair dye that washed out and needed refreshing after five days.

Originally he was only going to spend the time in Europe dying his hair a medium blond, which ended up being two months, but when he got back to Britain he continued doing it for another month; to be on the safe side.

Tyson has also repeatedly dyed his hair as a disguise on missions for Moriarty. To the current date, his hair has been dyed: 
  • Light Brown - on three different occasions
  • Light Brown, hints of Ginger - once
  • Medium Blond - on seven different occasions
  • Pastel Blue - on two different occasions
  • 'Honey' Blond - on two different occasions
  • Dark/Dirty Blond - on four different occasions
  • Black - on three different occasions
  • Light Ginger - on two different occasions
As soon as though missions were over Tyson washed out all of the hair dye to return his hair to it's natural colour. 

Though having his hair dyed helps Tyson looks less like his father, of whom he is the spitting image, Tyson prefers his hair to be his natural medium-dark brown [depending on how much light he'd exposed to].

Tyson's OCD impulses, habits, & ticks.

Tyson has low level OCD. He does his best not to follow through and comply with his impulses, in fear of his OCD taking over his life, but there are some that appear often.
  • He has to put items back in his bag in the reverse of the order he took them out.
  • He has to have the handle of his mug facing left when he isn’t holding it but others mugs can face any direction.
  • He has to tie his left shoe laces first, even if it means untying his right.
  • He has to use particular towels.
  • When being handed a food and drink, Tyson will always take the cup in his right hand and the food in his left hand.
  • When stepping off or out of a vehicle Tyson will always put his left leg out first, despite being right dominant for both hands and feet.
  • When eating from a bowl he stirs clockwise twice, then takes a bite, then stirs anti-clockwise twice, then takes another bite.
  • He always picked up the phone on an even number of rings.
  • He always buttoned the second lowest button of his shirt, then the bottom button, before going up his shirt and buttoning up the rest, usually ignore in the very top - collar - button.
  • He always taps the spine of a book twice before he opened it.
  • When getting into a car he'll buckle his seatbelt, unbuckle it, then buckle it again.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Misc medical facts

From age four till five Tyson had weak ankles. It was almost guaranteed that if he ran he would twist or sprain at least one of his ankles. This was caused by a lack of calcium. Some medication and an ankle brace solved the problem almost completely, just as he was approaching his sixth birthday, but Tyson still twists his ankles easier than most do. Usually it’s his right ankle that gives out, but not always.

Up until his time in the army Tyson had perfect teeth, not a single cavity. He’s never lost an adult tooth, but during his time travelling across the desert - where water needed to be conserved and, at any rate, he was without a tooth brush for several months - he gained two cavities: one on the top left wisdom tooth and the other on a mid-bottom right molar. Since then both cavities have been filled in with white fillings that can’t be seen and Tyson has taken good care of his teeth. Tyson has all four of his wisdom teeth. The only one to cause him issues when growing in was the bottom right tooth, which needed to be ground down by the dentist to fit his mouth more comfortably.


Tyson has no issues with submitting, but he loathes being submissive.
To Tyson there is a world of difference between being submissive and submitting: submissive is a nature, submitting is a choice.
Tyson would rather follow orders by choice rather than it being his nature to submit, which he knows it is.


Tyson knows English, Latin, and Hebrew fluently. He can speak but not read German and read but not speak Hindi. He knows enough of French, Russian and Spanish to get by on missions but not enough to sound convincing or comfortable enough with the language to say that he knows it.

Lamentably, in Tyson's eyes, he can't say that he's fluent in Yiddish. He knows most of the words and several phrases that are common in Jewish communities, but he's never learnt the sentence structure for Yiddish.
Though Tyson learnt English and Hebrew at the same time, Hebrew came to Tyson far easier so he has always considered it his first language rather than English.


Tyson was a good fencer in his teens.
damn good fencer. Tyson’s brother and P.E. teacher can be quoted as repeatedly saying that Tyson “improved with the weather” when it came to sport, which was true. Tyson likes to relax and ‘conserve energy’, but he has shown himself to be talented in dancing [ballroom, classical, tap, and contemporary], cricket, and fencing.
Whilst Tyson was willing to go out and play cricket where people could see him, he kept fencing - like dancing - between himself, his tutor, his brother, and his father. When playing cricket a lot of the focus was on other players, were as in dance and in fencing more of the attention was on Tyson. This made him nervous and, therefore, unwilling to ‘perform’ outside of the classroom.
Tyson’s fencing tutor - who was also his Latin and Geography tutor - said that Tyson could have made a living out of fencing had he gotten over his nerves, Tyson never believed that.
Tyson would leap at the chance to fence again. His social anxieties mean that he’d never join a club to take up fencing, but if he got the chance to fence with some one he knew and trusted Tyson wouldn’t turn down the opportunity.
His talent with swords - mostly fencing swords, but he has dabbled with a fair amount of success with other swords - played a large role in him favouring knives over guns; after hand to hand combat (focusing on nerve, pressure, and vital points), obviously.

Stomach kisses

When in a playful mood Tyson loves to kiss his partner's stomach.
When in a playful mood Tyson will shift from cuddling/hugging (or just pounce on his partner) to remove their shirt so he can place kisses on their stomach.
Usually he’ll kiss just bellow the lowest ribs, where a lot of people are ticklish, as the point is to tickle. He won’t blow raspberries or anything similar, it’s just kissing.
Lots and lots and lots of tiny, light kisses.
The reason these kisses usually end are either that his partner starts laughing too much and bats him away, Tyson dissolves into giggles and rolls off of him/her, or the dogs [Lily, Bobby, or Jack (or Meg)] decided to join in the play.

Make up in the morning

One of Tyson's favourite things about dating a woman is doing her make-up.

Tyson knows how to do makeup, because he used to help Jasmine put hers on in the morning.
He finds it therapeutic to apply makeup to another person; not that he ever puts make up on himself for any other reasons than disguises on missions and/or to cover up wounds, usually from those missions but sometimes from clumsiness.
Tyson isn’t, and has never been, a morning person. He doesn’t like having to think until he has caffeine in his system, applying makeup isn’t something that requires too much concentration. Some parts do, but Tyson always leaves thought parts until last when he’s a little more awake.
He likes to feel helpful and applying makeup for another person makes him feel useful. 

Thursday, 3 October 2013

A surefire way to offend / upset Tyson

Tyson doesn't get angry easily, but one of the easiest ways to offend Tyson is to say that you'll 'fix him / make him better'.

Tyson doesn't want anyone to fix him nor does he need it. He needs support and someone to encourage him - to give him a nudge every now and again to encourage him to interact with other people and to talk in general, someone to go to for comfort, and to steer him in the right direction if he gets scared/confused - but he doesn't need anyone else to fix him.

This doesn't mean that Tyson thinks he is okay. Tyson knows that he isn't the best that he could be, he knows that he has a long way to go before he could be considered healthy (both mentally and physically), but he is still better than he might otherwise have been.

After the events with The Colonel Tyson was completely shattered. Completely broken. Tyson has worked himself up from, practically, nothing. He dragged himself out of the Middle East and back to Blighty. He put his life back together. He survived. No one else did that for him, Tyson did it on his own. He is far stronger than he, or anyone else, gives him credit for.

Since he started working for Jim, both of them, he has had a lot of help from his owners (some that he knows about and some that he doesn't) but even then most of the work has been done by Tyson. He dragged himself up to a state where he was good enough to take Jim's interest, good enough to be worth helping.

Tyson resents the idea that he needs anyone else to fix him. He will admit he needs help to continue getting better, if a little reluctant to accept the help, but he will never accept that he needs anyone to fix him; because he doesn't.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

The scar on Tyson's foot

Scar: Scar on the base of his right foot.
Date:: Thursday 9th February 2012.
Whilst in Edinburgh Tyson had a brush with the police on George Street.
At this time the police were after Tyson because General Clarkson was yet to clear Tyson of criminal charges, though the police do still keep an eye on Tyson and bring him in for frequent questionings.
When he came out of a shop, at the time a small coffee shop which made surprisingly nice flapjack, Tyson walked almost directly into two police officers. They recognised him immediately. Obviously, Tyson ran.
As he rounded the corner onto Hanover Street his shoe came off. His shoelace had come loose and caught on drainage grate. Wisely Tyson didn’t pause to pick up his shoe as the police were right on his tail.
He kept running - ducking and diving between pedestrians - until he lost the police, just as he passed by Chambers Street. He kept running though, to be on the safe side.
In doing so his foot went over a rock, a rock which was presumably there because of the repairs being made to the road.
He sliced open his foot which left a long scar along the base of his foot.
This is one of the few scars Tyson doesn’t mind being touched, rather than hurting its very ticklish. Though he isn’t particularly fond of his feet being touched in general, because they are very ticklish.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Tyson keeps all of the letters he gets, other than bills and junk/advertising mail. Tyson has mail from him army days, from his owners, from his brother, and from his friends.
Tyson thinks that letters are special, that it matters that someone took the time to write or type it out. He keeps the letters in a box under his bed, where he keeps most of the things in his apartment. 
Tyson takes his time writing letters, making sure that it is neater than his usual slanted, scruffy writing and often using specific stationary for specific people. He takes his time with letters.


When Tyson was at University [Cambridge] he performed on stage.
He took part in many different plays but the ones he was in most [his favourite two to perform] were A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing. Though in general Tyson favours Lord Bryon's plays.
It wasn’t the acting Tyson enjoyed nor being on stage, that meant people could see him, but instead he enjoyed being someone [anyone] who wasn’t himself. He liked ‘being’ another person/character so that he could escape from himself and his anxieties, if only for a little.
Tyson only other stage credits are playing piano/singing when in the Middle East to earn money whilst he was escaping from the army. He had to pay for food somehow, he also made maps for people and trained dogs for money, food, water, and clean clothes.

Tyson likes snakes.

Tyson wasn’t always fond of the scaled creatures but after his time in the Middle East he became fond of them. Watching them move across the sand and up trees had been his only source of entertainment for a long time. He’d learnt to appreciate them since. Before he found Lily they were his only company for long periods of time.
He prefers the smaller ones, but he still finds the medium and large ones interesting.


Tyson’s father used to wear glasses almost all of the time, and his uncle Richard wears reading glasses.
Tyson knows that Jethro’s eye sight is fine and that his own is okay, but he’s ‘afraid’ that he’ll end up needing glasses too.
Tyson isn’t against glasses per-say - when they’re on other men he actually find them quite cute - but he’s self-conscious about how he looks and he doesn’t want to be reliant on glasses to do his job.
Or look more like his father because of them.

Tyson doesn't enjoy taking photographs.

He dislikes photos in general, especially those that have himself in frame, but when he has to take photographs they will be indirect and portrait.
He doesn’t like to have the focus of the image focused on the camera, not to make the image more natural or ‘real’ but instead, because he feels that when an image included the subject looking at the camera it makes part of the photo about the camera rather than just being about the subject.
Tyson prefers to take photos in a portrait orientation rather than landscape, because it means that there is less background to take away from the subject.
Tyson prefers this way because most of the photographs he takes are for work and he needs to make sure the focus is on the target - be it someone that needs taking out or someone that needs protecting - but he also uses this ‘style’ when taking photographs of friends and family, usually his brother and nephew. 

Tyson likes fish.

He finds it soothing to watch fish swim around and when he was still in the monastery watching fish in the pond helped him meditate through the pain of his dent, back then it was newer and caused him more pain.
If Tyson had enough space in his apartment, or at least somewhere practical to put a tank in the available space, he’d have fish.
Most likely 7-12 fish similar in a large-ish tank.
Tyson would find similar fish with slight colour differences the most soothing because there is a nice colour balance / pattern that way.

Monday, 19 August 2013


  1. Red
  2. Purple
  3. Silver
  4. Green
  5. Navy Blue
He prefers the darker tones and shades, but thinks some of the brighter colours are nice. 

Friday, 9 August 2013

Red vs Blue

Tyson's favourite colour is red, but most of the larger items he buys - such as a bed (okay technically the bed sheets are blue, the bed is metal) and the carpet - tend to be blue.

He does this on purpose. By making the larger objects blue it means he can buy more red, smaller, objects - like clothes, mugs, pillow, et cetrera -  and still have a good/clean colour contrast in the room; which is important, due to the sometimes overwhelming colours brought into his vision by his Synesthesia.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


Tyson likes his steaks rare to medium rare.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Skate/dirt boarding

One of Tyson's less known leisure actives, because he never talks about it to anyone other than Jethro and Rosie, is skateboarding. Tyson started skateboarding in his teens, as a quicker - lazier - way of getting around the family manor.

When a skate park was made near-ish to the manor, on the outside of the city, Tyson used to sneak out late at night - to avoid other people - to practise tricks. He never tried anything too brave, he was always afraid of getting hurt, but he still knows a fair few. When learning the tricks Tyson would write out the equations for the forces involved in the trick to understand what he needed to do not to get hurt when trying to do it.

Though Tyson primarily gets around on his bicycle and motorbike Tyson will occasionally go out on his skateboard when he doesn't want to walk, or run. Bobby will chase Tyson whilst Lily jogs behind obediently.

Rosie got Tyson into dirtboarding, sometimes they'll go out together to dirtboard.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Rhombic Icosahedron

Though Tyson doesn't, usually, give gifts during Christmas or other such holidays (full headcanon here) he does give gifts at other times of year, usually as thanks.

When giving gifts Tyson gives metal boxes in the shape of Rhombic Icosahedrons. As a general rule the boxes are one inch in height and are made of stainless steel with a brass coating. The Rhombic Icosahedron isn't Tyson's favourite shape, time (and mathematics) has proven that to be the regular Hexagon, but from a mathematical point of view it is still an interesting shape.

Each 'set' of gift boxes are personalised to the person he is giving it to, usually by removing part of the layer of brass to allow the stainless steel to show through to make a pattern but occasionally pieces of other metals (usually bronze or aluminium) are added. The inside of the metal boxs are always lined with felt, to keep the contense safe, the colour of which is personalised for the person he intends to give it to. For example, when giving a gift to his brother, Jethro Andrew Delaney, Tyson makes a checkerboard pattern on the container with a red lining inside & when giving a gift to Jasmine, the maid at the family manor who served as his surrogate mother, he makes a series of butterflies with a white lining inside.

There are two different ways that Tyson gives gifts through theses containers: small items and microchips.
  1. The small items that normally go into the boxes are usually money, jewellery, or (carefully folded, sometimes origami) letters. Tyson is very loose with his money. He grew up in a rich household with no reason to carefully monitor his expenses which leads to him often over-tipping and not checking receipts. It is rare that Tyson will buy jewellery, he doesn't really care for it, so if he does by some for a person it means that he really cares for them. Letters are important to Tyson, he thinks they are special. (Original head canon here). Every now and again there will be a small key inside the container that opens a pervious present, usually one delivered in the style bellow. 
  2. For items too large to put into the small container Tyson uses microchips to give directions to the item or to send a digital item such as photos/programming/videos. How to use the information depends on the type of chip in the container: sometimes it will go into a GPS to give directions, sometimes it will be photo directions (usually showing the street name that a turn needs to be made at, sometimes with Tyson in the photo), sometimes it will be a digital copy of a customised map Tyson has made, and sometimes it will be step-by-step instructions on a .PDF file. Sometimes Tyson won't put directions on the microchip, sometimes it will be blank and he will put a small piece of paper (fortune-cookie fortune sized) with a riddle instead to give hints to the present or to the next clue/riddle/code.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Tyson has a very low sex drive, because of this he can simply ignore any urges he has without feeling any frustration from it (outside of a few patches every now and again, usually three or five weeks apart).

This in turn means that he was no use of pornography in any form, though he isn't against pornography.

This was a very short, very boring head canon so here is the story of the first, and only, pornographic magazine Tyson got. It is now stored in one of the many boxes under Tyson's bed, the same one that has all the comic books in it.

When he was a teenager and his hormones were still settling down Tyson's sex drive had been a little higher than it is nowadays. He'd, obviously, been curious about sex and his sexuality so whilst at a newsagents he'd 'stollen' a gay pornographic magazine. He'd hidden it between the pages of a newspaper - Sunday addition of The Independant so there were already a lot of magazines that came with the newspaper to avoid suspicion - but handed over a five pound note and said to "k-keep the, um, change."

Tyson had then taken the magazine up to the attic, where no one else went and he could be alone, to look through it. Tyson had managed to find pleasure from looking at the pictures but he'd not found it that useful. He'd always had a good imagination and the images weren't really any better than those he could create with his mind, but it did help him realise the extent of his tie kink.

Friday, 28 June 2013

Tyson has never felt alone.

Given enough time a room full of monkeys with typewriters will make the complete works of Shakespeare

Tyson has never felt alone because of mathematics. He knows the laws of probability and that there are a finite combination of letters in the English language that make words.

Tyson knows that statistically there are going to be other people who have had the exact same thoughts as him, who likes the same things, who wants the same things. He'd always known this because of mathematics. 

Tyson has felt lonely and craved the company of other people but he had never felt alone, because he has never been alone, he isn't alone, and he will never be alone.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Broad Street and Lane

Tyson's home and pet shop are both on Broad, but not the same street. His Pet Shop is on (Old) Broad Street whereas his house is on Broad Lane. Tyson finds that symmetry comforting and has the money to waste on having that comfort.

Tyson lives where he lives because he has dogs and Broad Lane is in the perfect location to take the dogs to the parks, he is surrounded by them. In his main universe, Tyson was gifted this apartment by the Moriarty Mirrors as a gift. It was a former safe house of theirs and a place where Tyson would be comfortable and safe, somewhere to convince him to stay with them; that he was 'at home' with them. This apartment's close proximity to Heathrow also made it a valuable safe house and useful position to keep one of the Moriarty Mirrors' pets.

Tyson generally refers to the shop as being on Broad Street because - amongst a large number of people who live in or around that area in London - Old Broad Street is just called Broad Street, whereas New Broad Street was called New Broad Street. He chose the empty store lot on that street to make his store because of how convenient it is. It's only a few building away from his butcher, Jeremy. The shop is on the corner where Throgmorton Street joins it.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Tyson's buildings / territory

Tyson had many different places registered in his name as well as several areas that he thinks of as his but legally aren't.

The obvious ones are his London apartment, pet shop, and the family manor (registered to both him and Jethro). Army!verse has its own home.

Tyson also owns two storage facilities. On the other side of London to where he lives Tyson owns a storage locker where he keeps his motorbike and a few spare parts for the bike. Tyson doesn't keep anything else there because any other storage he requires, that he doesn't want to send to the family manor goes to the warehouse Tyson owns outside of London, near Bath.

So far Tyson has barely filled one-sixth of the warehouse but his intention isn't to fill it, it just to find homes for spare parts. There is a small work shop where Tyson will tinker with his devises / computers and tinker with his motorbike but other than that everything is pressed up against the wall or in boxes. There are the part if his old motorbike, which is does intend to do something with eventually, as well as several dismantlement computers. He keeps a lot of spare parts here as well as several books, mostly mathematical, and a handful of maps. He adores engineering because it is visible mathematics and had wanted to find a large space he could use to work in where he wouldn't get disturbed by anyone he didn't want to run into.

Scattered around the rooftops of London are Tyson's storage boxes. They are hidden from view and require Tyson's fingerprints to open but Tyson knows where all 64 of them are. He keeps different items in different boxes that vary from keys and money to fake IDs all the way to knives, guns, and ammo. These are his emergency supplies for quick escapes. Tyson had made sure that the boxes can't be found by mistake - hiding them in walls, under tiles, and above the line of sight - and that they will stand up to the trials of weather. He considers the sections of rooftops that his boxes are stored in as his - mentally and through the colour association of his Synesthesia - even though they aren't legally. 

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Mathematical books

When Tyson wants to relax he'll re-read his mathematical (text)books. He had several, mostly kept under his bed, but his favourite are his tattered and dog-earred copies of:

  1. Games of Life: Explorations in Ecology, Evolution, and Behaviour by Karl Sigmund
  2. A course in pure mathematics by G. H. Hardy
  3. The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Sir Issac Newton

Saturday, 8 June 2013


How moral is your character? Where would they be placed on a traditional alignment chart?
Tyson would be a lawful neutral, almost a true neutral but closer to evil than good.
Good - Neutral - Evil
Tyson has a moral code that he follows but because his job means blindly serving others regardless of his own views Tyson has bent the needle on his moral compass enough that he can use other people’s compasses. Tyson’s morals change depending on who he is around.
Example: When around Moriarty murder is fine, everything is fine, so long as he remains loyal to Jim despite that he has described Jim as follows, “Some men follow their moral compass like a golden thread. Others let it sway with every step. Jim, well, he uses his moral compass as a yo-yo.”
Tyson’s behaviour and views change depending on who he is around, so when he is alone and following his own he keeps to his own views which are mostly moral and correct.
When he is following his own compass he tries to be good - he does his best to help people and make people happy at the cost of his own happiness - so he could never be evil but, even [especially] to his own mind, he has done far too much bad to ever be good.
Lawful - Neutral - Chaotic
Tyson has far too many [nervous/OCD/general] ticks and routines, is far too predictable, to be chaotic or neutral. He has created too much structure in his life to be anything but lawful. Even the way he chooses when to be good or bad is lawful, it is dictated by those he is around rather than chance or his own opinions.
But he is mentally unstable enough to almost be a neutral. He is just after the boarder. Over time as he becomes more and more derailed he may drift over to being a neutral, though it is highly unlikely that he could ever loose enough of his ticks and routines to go over to chaotic. 

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Tyson knows the "homeless code" and uses it inactively.

When Tyson was travelling across Europe he used this code to find safe places to stay with Lily. Now when out on missions that take him out of London he puts up the symbols, either in chalk or paint on walls or carved into wood, to let people know if any area if safe or not.

Full sized version of the image where symbols are easy to see, here.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Tyson isn't an active gamer

But he enjoys playing games to take his mind off of the real world. He tries to keep a router of games going so that he won't get bored. He has the 3DS for his nephew to play on but when not babysitting Tyson will play on it.

Tyson owns the following gaming consoles:
  • PS3 (with three Dualshock 3 controllers: one black, one red, and one blue). Kept to replay older games.
  • PS4 (with two Dualshock 4 controllers: one black and one red).
  • PS Vita (Slim).
  • 3DS (XL) - Standard black version with red metal extendable styluses, he chewed through the original black plastic ones.
  • Nintendo Switch, with neon joycons.


Though they'll no longer be updated the list bellow is a good reference for the types of games Tyson likes to play.

The games he has at the moment are (in order of most played):


  1. Bioshock Infinate
  2. Prince of Persia (PS3)
  3. Rayman: Legends
  4. Sims 3 Pets
  5. LittleBigPlanet 2
  6. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
  7. Dishonored


  1. Fire Emblem: Awakening
  2. Animal Crosssing: New Leaf
  3. Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
  4. New Super Mario Bros. 2
  5. Sonic Generations
Tyson also plays Minecraft on his laptop.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

He doesn’t want to be controlled; he just doesn’t want to have control.

Tyson has a need to submit. He always puts himself in positions that put control in another people’s hands: the army, Sebastian, the Jims. He isn’t a leader, he needed to have someone else in charge to have lasting order in his life. He needs that structure to feel safe. Everything in Tyson’s life if built around routines and patterns. He has made himself a world where he is protected by routines all the time but without someone, something, else in charge Tyson feels helpless. He’s needs the structure that having someone else in charge provides.
His routines, patterns, twitches, etc. only go so far. They work well enough to keep him sane and safe, but not happy. Without someone else in charge, without his owners, he becomes overwhelmed. They give him something else to focus on, they give him a purpose. Having the two Moriarty’s in charge takes away that stress, they make him happy and he will be loyal to them because of it. He doesn’t understand the reasons behind it but he knows he needs it. This is why he’s free to stop being their pet at any time, they can offer him that because he’ll never take that option. He is and will always be their Pup.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Tyson’s face claims
(I don’t write Tyson any younger than seven so a face claim would be pointless.)

Ages 7 - 13 : Zachary Gordon 

Ages 14 - 19 : Skandar Keynes

Ages 20 - present (40) : Damien Molony
To keep every character, especially those at the extremes and the pets, in the correct age range, Tyson is now locked at 40.

Events prior to Tyson's birth:
  • -36 August 17th; Professor Reginald Arlington is born.
  • -32 March 27th; General William Clarkson is born.
  • -32 May 1st; Richard Delaney’s birth: Tyson’s uncle.
  • -30 February 26th; Professor John Delaney’s birth: Tyson’s father.
  • -28 July 9th; Anne Samantha Delaney Williams’ birth: Tyson’s mother.
  • -22 March 24th; Jeremy Thornton's birth.
  • -19 September 14th; George Cartwright's birth. 
  • -18 November 14th; Sebastian Moran's birth.
  • -17 April 7th; Nate Morrison's birth.
  • -16 January 24th; Billy Ramsey's birth.
  • -12 May 23rd; Dōjima ‘Tae’ Taeko's birth.
  • -11 January 17th; Lex's birth.
  • -9 August 2nd; Jasmine Dartmoor’s birth.
  • -9 December 2nd; Dick Gannon's birth.
  • -8 September 4th, Tuesday; John Delaney begins teaching at Cambridge University.
  • -7 June 30th; Sienna McCullum is born.
  • -5 April 7th; Captain Andrew Samson is born.
  • -5 March 5th; Levi McCullum is born.
  • -5 December 30th; Rosie Delaney’s birth: Tyson’s sister-in-law.
  • -4 June 11th; Jethro Andrew Delaney’s birth: Tyson’s older brother.
  • -3 May 27th; Professor Isaac Alinson's birth.
  • -1 October 25th; Kimiko's birth.
  • Age 0 October 21st 1981; Tyson was born.
  • 1 August 31st; Charlie Hotchner is born.
  • 2 February 15th; Hal Malone is born.
  • 3; his form of synesthesia became apparent. [x]
  • 4; Mother (Anne Samantha, maiden name Williams) left the family, current situation unknown.
  • 5; His grandmother started teaching him to bake, dance, and play piano.
  • 5; Jeremy opens his butcher's store.
  • 6; Jethro teaches Tyson how to swim.
  • 7; Tyson breaks his ankle falling from the attic ladder.
  • 9; Grandmother (Ellen Delaney) passes away.
  • 14; Jethro (Andrew Delaney, his brother) ran away from home.
  • 14; Jasmine started working at the family manor and became a substitute mother figure for Tyson.
  • 15 24th March, 13:34; Tyson's first kiss.
  • 15; his father transferred him from Cambridge International School, a private school, to Cambridge University (four years early). [x]
  • 15 November 3rd - December 25th; Tyson stayed in an apartment with a few other students before returning to being at the family manor. Tyson and the other students liked it better this way.
  • 16; Tae opens The Biscuit Tin.
  • 16; Tyson came out as gay.
  • A week before his seventeenth birthday he leaves school, already having gotten all of his Ph.Ds, to join the army.
  • 16 - 19; "army training".
  • 18 2nd November; Tyson decides to send a letter to his father, hoping to make peace. He receives no reply.
  • 19; Billy Ramsey's daughter, Pepper, is born.
  • 19 - 24; Tyson served in Turkmenistan training the service dogs.
  • 19 17th May; Razor, one of the serve dogs, caused the scar on Tyson’s wrist.
  • 21 17th August, Sunday; The morning after Jethro’s bachelor party.
  • 21 23rd August; Jethro marries Rosie, Tyson attended the wedding.
  • 22 September - 17th April 23; Tyson's relationship with Kim
  • 24 - 28; Tyson served on the front line in Afghanistan.
  • 25 20th March; His nephew James was born.
  • 25 5th April; Tyson's mother passes away: Jethro knows, Tyson doesn't.
  • 26 12th - 22nd August; An incident in Afghanistan had Tyson stop wearing tight collars.
  • 26 December; Jack goes to the family manor to guard it. 
  • 27 7th April; Hal Malone is killed by friendly fire.
  • Running away from the army. - Link to map of the areas events happened in.
  • Fifteen months on the run with Sebastian.
    • Goes to a Monastery when he learns to meditate whilst his ribs recover. 
  • 30 Tyson returns to Britain, lays low to avoid detection.
  • 30 9th February; Tyson made the scar on his foot in Edinburgh - All his scars. [x]
  • 30 March; Starts working for Jim. (Sunshine).
  • 30 April; Tyson moves into his current apartment, a former web safehouse.
  • 30 June; Starts working for both Jims. (Mischief)
  • 31-33 Events of BBC Sherlock Series 1.
  • 31 August; 'Quits' smoking, thought still allows himself a brief relapse now and again.
  • 32; Begins working with Lestrade.
  • 33 14th February; Tyson opens the pet store.
  • 33 16th April: Tyson starts making custom maps on commission.
  • 34 - 36 Events of BBC Sherlock Series 2 & Tyson's canon deviation.
  • 34 23rd April; Tyson gets Rincewind.
  • 34 May; Tyson meets Molly.
  • 34 30th September; Tyson begins guest lecturing on mathematics at Cambridge University.
  • 35 6th January; Father (John Delaney) passes away at age 62.
  • 35 13th January; Tyson gains inheritance and family home, Jethro got more money but Tyson got the home. Neither of the brothers wanted the house, too many bad memories.
  • 35 17th May; Rincewind passes away in his sleep.
  • 35 April; Charlie begins working as James' nanny.
  • 35 July; Bobby is born.
  • 35 9th October; Tyson recruits Nate for the web.
  • 36 3rd September; Tyson's godson Carver Ironwright is born.
  • 37 February; Dick is dragged out of debt by the web to work for them.
  • 37 May; John adopts Toby.
  • 37 July; Jethro returns to desk work after recovering from cancer.
  • 37 August; Tyson begins learning how to hack for the Moriarty Mirrors.
  • 37 15th November; Tyson takes responsibility for Lex as his freelance wildcard.
  • 38; Sherlock's return to London.
  • 38 19th May; Sienna & Levi are officially ensnared by the web.
  • 38 20th June; Billy begs Tyson to pay for Pepper's Cambridge tuition.
  • 39; Tyson begins learning Mandarin. 

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Fruit juice

Tyson's favourite summertime drink is a homemade drink Jasmine had taught him to make.

By hand he makes apple, cranberry, and cherry juice* then sweetens them with two tablespoons of brown sugar (in total not for all). He mixes them into a jug so it is 3 : 3 : 2 for apples : cranberries : cherries. Rather than using ice to keep it cool, which would dilute the flavour, he freezes some cherry juice to use instead so as they melt it evens out the flavours to 3 : 3 : 3.

*Though he dislikes cherries he is fond of cherry flavoured things - sweets, juices, etc - just not the actual fruit. He suspected that this had something to do with the texture as he's not too keen on grapes either.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Tyson cannot cook.

But that doesn't stop him making delicious food.

He can make you mouth watering foods - sushi, carpaccio (a dish made from thin strips of raw meat), salads, almost all deserts, and more - so long as he didn’t had to cook. When heat came into the mix Tyson was completely useless which is why he lived almost entirely off of take-outs and microwaveable meals. He didn’t have a particularly sweet tooth and he usually couldn’t be bothered making a salad, he’d just nibble on carrot sticks instead.

He often joked that his dogs ate better than him, this was quite frankly true. He gave his dogs the same natural feed, twice a day, as he had given the service dogs he’d trained in Turkmenistan. He felt it was best to give dogs a natural feed because it helped their teeth and coat stay strong and glossy. He’d give his dogs an egg (with shell), either half a raw chicken (with bones) or two fillets of fish (with bones, two fillets being the equivalent to a full fish), a spoonful of honey, a fish oil capsule, and a handful of rice - all raw, aside from the rice. This was closest to the natural diet they’d have in the wild, it was best for them.

Saturday, 4 May 2013


Tyson tries not to swear.

When he does he tends to do it in Hebrew and Latin to avoid being understood. He isn't against swearing -not inherently, though he does think it gets vulgar when used excessively - he simply prefers not to in polite company or in public places.

When swearing with his hands Tyson always uses the first two fingers of his right hand. It's always felt odd to him to swear with his middle finger, pulling back the first. So he's always sworn the 'English way', link to the misconceptions about its origin.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Tyson's scent

Vanilla, (-milk and honey) apple, earth, parchment (+almond)
Tyson wears soft, comforting - homely - scents that are sweet, but not over powering. Only the honey is truly sweet but that is the least prominent scent around Tyson. The apple smells like the fruit (succulent) rather than the sweetness of the cartoned juice. The nostalgic milky-warmth of the vanilla goes hand in hand with the faint creaminess that accompanies the smooth milk scent.
(When working on a job that takes him away from home Tyson is often staying outdoors were he hasn’t got access to a shower. Rather than using his normal liquid soaps he’ll swap to a bar of soap for ease in whatever water he has found; taking away the honey and milk, replacing them with the light nutty aroma of almonds.)
His grandmother, who taught him to play piano, used to bake apple pies with him. She sweetened the pastry by adding vanilla extract, then added a dollop of honey to Tyson’s slice as she served it to him with a glass of milk. Every now and again she’d add a handful of ground almonds to the apple mixture she put in the pie. She passed when Tyson was nine.
Tyson spends so much time with his own dogs, with their fur all over him, that no matter how many times he showers he always has a linger scent of dog. Not in a bad way, not like wet dog, but the soft earthy scent your hands get when they run through a dog’s coat.
Tyson’s own scent is faint. He’s constantly surrounded by paper work and maps making him smell like faded parchment. The paperwork he does during the day in on new fresh, crisp paper but the rest of the paper he handles is old. The mathematics book he flicks through and the maps he handled (other than the custom ones he makes) are all from pre-twentieth century.
Since his teens Tyson had worn Davidoff Cool Water aftershave, it’s been around since 1988. He’s dabbled in other aftershaves, but he had always come back to Cool Water. He takes comfort in the familiarity of the aquatic scent. It smells clean, initially of amber, tobacco, oak-moss, and geranium; he loves how after it begins to fade - roughly forty minutes - it still smells clean and starts to smell like lavender, salt, and mint which hangs around for a good six hours. He’s quite fond that unlike most aquatic aftershaves it doesn’t smell like citric fruits, instead it smells masculine. Original headcanon.
Tyson likes patterns, want everything to be the same, never changing. So he always uses the same brands to clean himself. He uses the excuse of having sensitive skin (which is true, he does) to avoid seeming sentimental but the truth is that he’s been using most of these since he was a boy, since he was nine. When certain brands went out of business he replaced them with the closest brand he could find. He only wears scent less deodorant.
Source of the scents that aren’t Tyson’s own:

  • His dog?

Monday, 29 April 2013

Saturday, 27 April 2013


Tyson views sand, glitter, pine needles, and crumbs as the same thing - problems that won't go away for a long time.

He likes things to be tidy, the items in the above lists never seem to disappear no matter how man times you vacuum.

Tyson's favourite non-sexual couple activity.

Tyson's favourite non-sexual couple activity is to kiss his partner's body. 

Not in a sexual way, but instead in an 'I like kissing things and I like your body' way. He'll avoid sensitive areas that he might normally kiss and always stay two inches about the trouser or boxer line.

He'll often do this when he doesn't want to think and instead just wants to be intimate with his partner without the 'commitment' of being aware of his surroundings. He'll start kissing in a grid pattern; if he was kissing the next then he might do a five by five 'grid' of kisses, going left to right on the top layer than right to left on the second. From at the last row he'll shift to columns instead, going bottom to top then top to bottom then returning to the original pattern when he gets to his starting place.

When he isn't in the mood to just be intimate then it's a scattered pattern, though the pattern will only be obvious to Tyson.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Field stripping

Tyson rarely smokes anymore, but when he does he field strips the cigarettes.

He does this because when he'd first started smoking he'd been in the army where they were taught to field strip their cigarettes to prevent leaving a trail that could be followed. Unlike the usual remains of smoking the small balls of a paper are a lot harder to use to track a person.

Tyson tends to keep a packet of cigarettes on him encase he gets a craving or if anyone wants to borrow one, it's a good way to keep peace on longer missions. It can varey but usual he smokes Lambert and Butler.