Thursday, 31 May 2018


Tyson always knew that Kim would never be his to keep.
Though he wishes they had fought harder for their relationship at the end - and unknown to Tyson, Kimiko does too - but Tyson always knew the day would come.
Kimiko was fun and free. Wild. Fireflies in the night, always just out of reach, dancing around him and tempting him in, like a silk ribbon slipping through his fingers. The playful burst of a sparkler, its smoke disappearing with the wind. Always a game with Kim. Fun and free. Never to last. Never to keep.
And Tyson doesn’t regret a single second of it.
He will always be glad that he took the time to trade in compound chores with other soliders for out of compound time with Kim, and Tyson will always be grateful to Hal for trading chores to help get that time with her; and for providing him with a clean shirt when he returned with lipstick stains on his collar.
Or boxers when Tyson had to go commando to convince Kim to wear one item of clothing for a little while. Though, sometimes, having Kimiko dancing around her kitchen in his boxers was more distracting than watching her skipping around naked. Once their relationship ended, Tyson ended up keeping her green jacket.
She always smelt of coconut shampoo and citrus shower gel, but Kim could never fully wash away the scent of sawdust and grass stains. Those scents always remind Tyson of her. Especially sawdust.
He treasures every little cut in his hands from learning to whittle with Kim and, even though it was months after their first kiss, Tyson’s lips will still tingle so vividly with the memory of Kim kissing him, voice singing with pride and praise in a language he didn’t understand, the first time he carved something vaguely recognisable.
She cared deeply, but Kimiko could be a little stuck up and elitist when people weren’t quite as carefree and unreserved as she was. Kim’s way of life was free and flowing, always on the move, but she was stubbornly set in her ways of that being the best way to live. The only way to truly live.
Kim was too laid back to stress about things that she really needed to stress about, like late bills or her tests coming up that she hasn’t studied for. She failed her drivers test twice for her car, but passed her motorbike test the first time with flying colours.
She hated vodka with a passion, but would always do shots regardless of what was in them. Kim would say that she loved fruity wine, and she did like it, but secretly she liked a glass of whiskey best whilst sitting on her porch to whittle; working on a personal project after a long day of carpentry for other people.
Kim told Tyson that she thought it tasted better because it was traditional, but she bucked tradition at practically every turn. The only exception was family. Kim would do anything for her family. She always wanted to be a mom. Two kids, a boy and a girl. A little cottage made by her own hands. That was her dream.
Though Kimiko was Vietnamese, her first name is Japanese after her great-grandmother on her father’s side of the family. Kim knew Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, and English. She was also conversational in Chinese, but struggled when writing it.
She referred to Tyson with the Vietnamese pronoun of em, but having grown up with a Japanese speaking extended family in the house, Kimiko tended to merge it with the Japanese honorifics system: calling him Ty-Em.
She always preferred to go by Kim rather than Kimiko or Kimi, but whenever she called him Ty-Em, Tyson would reply by calling her Kimi-san, which would always get a giggle out of her.
Kim had an impossibly sweet tooth. From pouring far too much honey on her morning toast to being able to pinpoint any stall selling sticky-sweet treats at the market, Kimiko loved sugar.
It was fun. It was all just a game, and Tyson knew it would hurt like hell when it ended, but he treasures every precious moment with Kim.
And he would do it all again.

Kimiko Bùi

  • Birthname: Bùi Mai Kimiko (裴 梅 貴美子)
  • Blood Type: B Negative
  • Date of Birth: October 25th 1980 - Scorpio – Monkey (Metal/Gold)
  • DnD Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Dominant Hand: Left
  • Ethnicity: Vietnamese
  • Myers Briggs Type: ISFP-A | The Adventurer
  • Orientation: Bisexual
  • Religion: Buddism
  • Signature:

  • Favourite Animal: Otter
  • Favourite Author: Ray Bradbury
  • Favourite Colour: Yellow
  • Favourite Film: The Evil Dead (1981)
  • Favourite Food: Bò Lúc Lắc
  • Favourite Plant: Tiger Lily
  • Favourite Poem: On Icarus’ Wings - Alonso Menendez
  • Avatar Element: Air
  • His Dark Material’s Dæmon: Common Squirrel Monkey
  • Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
  • Hybrid!Verse Pairing: Mugger Crocodile
  • Mass Effect Species: Salarian Biotic
  • Pokémon Team: Aipom, Heracross, Tyrogue, Banette, Timburr, & Sawsbuck.
Colour Tyson’s Synesthesia Projects Onto Them:

Wednesday, 30 May 2018


For Tyson, it is more important for things to be complementary than matching.
His OCD can be a little temperamental about what it will or will not kick up a fuss about, but in general terms, Tyson is more likely to be bothered by something contrasting poorly than something not matching exactly. As with many things, this comes down to how it appears with his Synesthesia.
It’s a point that is repeated many times when it comes to Tyson, but it is a core tenant of who he is as a person and shapes his entire thought process. It’s worth emphasising.
When it comes to matching things together in a complimentary way, Tyson would largely priories thing by colour and pattern; unsurprisingly. After that, when Tyson is sorting something - especially manually - he would go by texture as his next choice.
For Tyson, the least important factor would be shape and size. Those are, however, factors that Tyson would priorities when ordering (rather than sorting) physical objects. Usually, he would go with ascending order of size, from left to right.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018


If Tyson were asked to choose what power he would want to have, Tyson would need to look no further than the classic ‘would you rather fly or be invisible?’
Whilst he will fight tooth and claw to keep his feet on solid ground, Tyson would genuinely love the opportunity to run around unseen. Or more unseen than unusual.
As useful as it could be for his work in the web, it’s Tyson’s anxiety that has always fuelled that answer from him. To disappear and ghost around London unseen, to carry on his business without being hindered by concerns about getting watched, would be a dream come true for Tyson.
Invisibility would be freedom to do whatever he wanted. Not because he wanted to do anything bad necessarily, but simply freedom from the weight of his social anxiety.

Monday, 28 May 2018


Tyson’s thought process in meditation has been explained before in Tyson’s connection to earth. It is also common knowledge that he began learning how to focus his thoughts that way through Jasminehe learnt breathing techniques that helped with the dent in his torso whilst stopping at a monastery on the run with Sebastian, and Tyson tends to listen to classical music whilst meditating.
Less commonly known is that Bobby will slump along his flank to guard him whilst his eyes are closed. Whenever James joins Tyson’s meditation, Lily suddenly loves close contact and attaches herself to James’ hip.
As stressful as Tyson finds wasting time and allowing himself to breathe for even a second, Tyson loves meditating and allowing his thoughts to release; to process them subconsciously and relax for a few minutes. It goes against his philosophy for everything else, but it works for him.

Sunday, 27 May 2018


Lovely Lady London. Tyson’s first love. Home.
Tyson loves London with all of his heart. He loves the architecture. He loves the beating heart throughout the city. He loves the underground and the twists of The Thames. He loves the landmarks and the personal landmarks. He loves parkcoring through the city and seeing paths that few others could experience.
There is nothing about London that Tyson doesn’t adore.
With his Synesthesia, Tyson has maps of London going back centuries memorised. He knows London like the back of his hand and could traverse it with his eyes closed, rain or shine. Every back alley and secret passage.
He could proselytise about London for hours. Never running out of trivia about its architecture or history. He loves how many layers there are to the city, literally and figuratively: giant skyscrapers to climb and underground catacombs, places like Borough Market beneath bridges, and the underground itself.
To Tyson, London is a giant concrete playground that he will never tire of exploring. Even walking through the same streets again and again, Tyson is enraptured. It never gets tiresome for him. A timeless ancient city, that’s always changing and adapting. New and modern.
He lives for the rare days, limping home bloody and bruised, that lovely Lady London will cut him a break. She is cold and uncaring, indifferent in her resplendence, but there are rare days when the gloom lifts and offers succour, quiet hidden places for Tyson to rest and lick his wounds.

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Land Lord

Tyson’s landlord is a pretty easy going, happy-go-lucky guy.
He stays out of the web’s business for the most part. He doesn’t want anything to do with the Moriarty Mirrors business outside of providing housing for them. Whether they actually house their pets there or simply use them as safe houses, amongst many other from other landlords, George doesn’t need to know.
He just wanted to get paid and ignore any suspicious activities.
George is willing to give members of the web a tip-off about any potential sweeps on their apartments if they live in one of his homes, but that is about covering his business rather than caring what happened to whatever criminal lives there.
When he’s not dealing with various criminals, George is the ideal landlord. He’ll help out whenever he can and is always understanding about delays in payments. In part, George is a very kind-hearted person, but there is definitely a motivation to counterbalance harbouring various criminals across London.
He always wanted to be a landlord. As a child, George used to play pretend about fixing up his tenants - toy dinosaurs - homes. He’s a busybody. He genuinely enjoys getting to see little peaks into people’s lives as he’s passing through, seeing families grow up and change within his buildings.

George Cartwright

  • Blood Type: AB Positive
  • Date of Birth: September 14th 1962 - Virgo - Tiger (Water)
  • DnD Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Dominant Hand: Right
  • Ethnicity: White, British
  • Myers Briggs Type: ENFP-A | The Campaigner
  • Orientation: Heterosexual
  • Religion: Christian, Protestant
  • Signature:

  • Favourite Animal: Robin
  • Favourite Author: Martina Cole
  • Favourite Colour: Pink
  • Favourite Film: The Empire Strikes Back
  • Favourite Food: Sticky toffee pudding
  • Favourite Plant: Sunflower
  • Favourite Poem: When winter first begins to bite - LOTR
  • Avatar Element: Earth
  • His Dark Material’s Dæmon: Badger
  • Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
  • Hybrid!Verse Pairing: Fox Squirrel
  • Mass Effect Species: Elcor
  • Pokémon Team: Drowzee, Munchlax, Mime Jr., Bunnelby, Klefki, & Komola
Colour Tyson’s Synesthesia Projects Onto Them:

Friday, 25 May 2018

Gems and Metals

Though he collects rocks, passively, Tyson doesn’t care as much for gems or precious metals.
His collecting is more sentimental than about the value of an item, and he tends to prefer simple jewellery over anything with gems anyway. In part that comes from his Synesthesia. There are already so many patterns and colours in his vision that it can become a little overwhelming to add more unnecessarily.
Even when he’s suppressing his Synesthesia, many of his decisions are shaped around that.
When it comes to metal, Tyson refers silver over gold. He doesn’t dislike gold, per say, but he is tired of seeing it as the ‘best version’ of everything. More generally, Tyson finds brass or copper to look more interesting than gold does overall.

Thursday, 24 May 2018


Though Tyson loves cats, they don’t tend to like him as much.
This is almost entirely due to Tyson smelling of his dogs. When he’s had a few days away from his dogs, or when Tyson is meeting a cat that is more comfortable with dogs, he is good at reading cats behaviours and getting them to trust him.
The exception to this is one of the once a blue moon days when Tyson actually opens his pet store. Then, carrying the faint smell of catnip on him, he tends to make quick friends of the stray cats he comes across.
Cats within Tyson’s universe(s):
  • Amanda - Snowshoe - Molly Hooper
  • Felix - Ragdoll - Tyson’s in Redemption!Verse & Cat!Verse
  • Flynn - Maine Coon - Nate Morrison
  • Joe - Tortoiseshell - Stray at Dick Gannon’s apartment 
  • Mandy - Tabby - Tyson in Kitten!Verse & Cat!Verse
  • Quip - Abyssinian - Billy Ramsey
  • Toby - Tabby - Molly Hooper