Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Tyson keeps all of the letters he gets, other than bills and junk/advertising mail. Tyson has mail from him army days, from his owners, from his brother, and from his friends.
Tyson thinks that letters are special, that it matters that someone took the time to write or type it out. He keeps the letters in a box under his bed, where he keeps most of the things in his apartment. 
Tyson takes his time writing letters, making sure that it is neater than his usual slanted, scruffy writing and often using specific stationary for specific people. He takes his time with letters.


When Tyson was at University [Cambridge] he performed on stage.
He took part in many different plays but the ones he was in most [his favourite two to perform] were A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing. Though in general Tyson favours Lord Bryon's plays.
It wasn’t the acting Tyson enjoyed nor being on stage, that meant people could see him, but instead he enjoyed being someone [anyone] who wasn’t himself. He liked ‘being’ another person/character so that he could escape from himself and his anxieties, if only for a little.
Tyson only other stage credits are playing piano/singing when in the Middle East to earn money whilst he was escaping from the army. He had to pay for food somehow, he also made maps for people and trained dogs for money, food, water, and clean clothes.

Tyson likes snakes.

Tyson wasn’t always fond of the scaled creatures but after his time in the Middle East he became fond of them. Watching them move across the sand and up trees had been his only source of entertainment for a long time. He’d learnt to appreciate them since. Before he found Lily they were his only company for long periods of time.
He prefers the smaller ones, but he still finds the medium and large ones interesting.


Tyson’s father used to wear glasses almost all of the time, and his uncle Richard wears reading glasses.
Tyson knows that Jethro’s eye sight is fine and that his own is okay, but he’s ‘afraid’ that he’ll end up needing glasses too.
Tyson isn’t against glasses per-say - when they’re on other men he actually find them quite cute - but he’s self-conscious about how he looks and he doesn’t want to be reliant on glasses to do his job.
Or look more like his father because of them.

Tyson doesn't enjoy taking photographs.

He dislikes photos in general, especially those that have himself in frame, but when he has to take photographs they will be indirect and portrait.
He doesn’t like to have the focus of the image focused on the camera, not to make the image more natural or ‘real’ but instead, because he feels that when an image included the subject looking at the camera it makes part of the photo about the camera rather than just being about the subject.
Tyson prefers to take photos in a portrait orientation rather than landscape, because it means that there is less background to take away from the subject.
Tyson prefers this way because most of the photographs he takes are for work and he needs to make sure the focus is on the target - be it someone that needs taking out or someone that needs protecting - but he also uses this ‘style’ when taking photographs of friends and family, usually his brother and nephew. 

Tyson likes fish.

He finds it soothing to watch fish swim around and when he was still in the monastery watching fish in the pond helped him meditate through the pain of his dent, back then it was newer and caused him more pain.
If Tyson had enough space in his apartment, or at least somewhere practical to put a tank in the available space, he’d have fish.
Most likely 7-12 fish similar in a large-ish tank.
Tyson would find similar fish with slight colour differences the most soothing because there is a nice colour balance / pattern that way.

Monday, 19 August 2013


  1. Red
  2. Purple
  3. Silver
  4. Green
  5. Navy Blue
He prefers the darker tones and shades, but thinks some of the brighter colours are nice. 

Friday, 9 August 2013

Red vs Blue

Tyson's favourite colour is red, but most of the larger items he buys - such as a bed (okay technically the bed sheets are blue, the bed is metal) and the carpet - tend to be blue.

He does this on purpose. By making the larger objects blue it means he can buy more red, smaller, objects - like clothes, mugs, pillow, et cetrera -  and still have a good/clean colour contrast in the room; which is important, due to the sometimes overwhelming colours brought into his vision by his Synesthesia.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


Tyson likes his steaks rare to medium rare.