Monday, 29 April 2013

Saturday, 27 April 2013


Tyson views sand, glitter, pine needles, and crumbs as the same thing - problems that won't go away for a long time.

He likes things to be tidy, the items in the above lists never seem to disappear no matter how man times you vacuum.

Tyson's favourite non-sexual couple activity.

Tyson's favourite non-sexual couple activity is to kiss his partner's body. 

Not in a sexual way, but instead in an 'I like kissing things and I like your body' way. He'll avoid sensitive areas that he might normally kiss and always stay two inches about the trouser or boxer line.

He'll often do this when he doesn't want to think and instead just wants to be intimate with his partner without the 'commitment' of being aware of his surroundings. He'll start kissing in a grid pattern; if he was kissing the next then he might do a five by five 'grid' of kisses, going left to right on the top layer than right to left on the second. From at the last row he'll shift to columns instead, going bottom to top then top to bottom then returning to the original pattern when he gets to his starting place.

When he isn't in the mood to just be intimate then it's a scattered pattern, though the pattern will only be obvious to Tyson.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Field stripping

Tyson rarely smokes anymore, but when he does he field strips the cigarettes.

He does this because when he'd first started smoking he'd been in the army where they were taught to field strip their cigarettes to prevent leaving a trail that could be followed. Unlike the usual remains of smoking the small balls of a paper are a lot harder to use to track a person.

Tyson tends to keep a packet of cigarettes on him encase he gets a craving or if anyone wants to borrow one, it's a good way to keep peace on longer missions. It can varey but usual he smokes Lambert and Butler.

Thursday, 11 April 2013


Tyson owns a motorbike in all the verses, but he rarely uses it in the main!verse.

In the main!verse he keeps it in a storage locker he owns on the other side of London, but only uses it when he's travelling somewhere and doesn't want to go by train. He doesn't use it to get around London, instead he uses his bicycle.

In army!verse, it's his primary mode of transportation.

*Side note: the HTML shows the name of the bike he originally had, it was changed later when his old bike broke.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


One of hundred and one strange quirks Tyson has is showering in his swimming trunks. He lifts the waistband to put soap on himself then lets the water run through to remove the soap from his body.

Tyson has never been comfortable in his own body so showers whilst wearing his trunks because this makes him feel covered; and safer because of that. Another part of it is paranoia, and possibly also Pyscho's influence in the public mind, of feeling unsafe when he can't always hear over the sound of water/having nowhere to run. Largely his OCD makes the shower a safe calming space for Tyson, but once he's already on edge it's hard to take comfort in that.

When he's in a hurry yet needs a shower - to settle his OCD or for genuine need - he won't waste the time doing this, but this is the norm for him. Something that has only been compounded by Bobby's need to jump under any running water. Tyson isn't embarrassed about being naked around his dogs, but if he can do anything to minimise the changes of Bobby's claws catching sensitive areas, he'll take it.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Tyson hates having hair tucked behind his ears. Whenever anyone does it to him he will untuck it and he combs his hair in a way to makes it lay on top of his ears rather than being tucked behind it.

He can't explain why but he just hates it. If he had to guess, however, it comes from endless patronising professors petting at the young Delaney heir for performing his 'tricks'.