Sunday, 26 August 2012

The leather jacket.

Jethro knew Tyson would be upset that he was running away so left a note on his bedside table and put the leather jacket over Tyson as a blanket.

He didn't want to abandon Tyson, as their mother had abandoned them both with their father, but Jethro knew that he wouldn't be able to take care of Tyson on his own. Not properly.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Tyson's Triggers

  • Being called Poppet
  • Being called Kitten
  • Being called Kiddo
  • Being around alcohol
  • People touching the dent in his torso.
  • Barns
  • Raised, angry voices
  • Hands being raised quickly, close to him
  • Men with grey hair
  • Men with similar voices to Sebastian
  • Thunder and Lightening
  • Cold water on his head

Though these are all triggers, rather than things that make him uncomfortable, they are not always going to cause a flashback or break him. It depends on the moment and his mental state at the time.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Fevers only

Tyson never gets 'ill', he gets fevers. 

If he catches any form of sickness it becomes a fever almost without fail, if it is anything more than a cold or a headache.
His fever normally breaks after two days.
The severity varies depending on what he actually came down with. Sometimes he'll just be running unhealthily hot, but power through it. Other times, he'll be unable to lift his head from his pillow without feeling lightheaded.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Map of Tyson's scars.

Tyson has more scars than purely those pictures bellow, however, those are a combination of the most severe and the ones that Tyson cares about: ones that came from mistakes, unavoidably his fault and his fault alone, or caused by The Colonel.

He is littered with small scars from a hard fought life, working in dangerous places in the web/the army and from surviving everything The Colonel/being abandoned in the desert threw at him. These scars largely small things attained over the years/changeable depending on the thread and Tyson's experiences within them. Nicks from working with knives in the kitchen and in the web, grazing wounds from shrapnel in the army, et cetera.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Tyson's twitches master list.

  • First two fingers of his left hand. – Nervous / fear. His default nervous tick.
  • Rubbing the back of his neck. – Self conscious / nervous.
  • Rolling his dog tags. – Unsure / deep in thought / doesn't know what to say.
  • Putting a hand over the dent in his torso. – Vulnerable.
  • Running a hand through his hair, hastily glancing. – Floundering.
  • Taking a sharp breath and tensing. – There is thunder.
  •  Left ring finger twitches. - Lying.
  • Playing with his zippier. – Shy.
  • Biting his lip. – Not saying something / thinking.
  • Wrapping both arms around himself. – Vulnerable.
  • Stuttering on letter P and twirling his thumbs. - Becoming ill.
  • Tracing a word with his right index finger. - Confused/doesn't understand the word.
  • Flexing his right hand - Feels threatened.
  • Right eye twitching - OCD being affected.

Friday, 17 August 2012

His dog tags are a mask to hide behind.

Tyson is ashamed of how his military carrier ended so he always wears his dog tags and introduces himself as 'Lieutenant' because to him it feels as though he is still part of the military that way.

Originally he joined the military to annoy his father, who spent most of his time out of work promoting anti-war ideals, but he became attached to the military because it gave him a purpose.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Fear of water.

When they met Lily was afraid of water, Tyson taught her to swim.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

His dog tags.

His dogtags are covered in scratches, general wear and tear, but the two most important markings are:
   /                                   \
 /              O Po/s              \<-------- Lily's claws; secondary break-away tag
|            0000/0000    \      |
|           DEL/ANEY          \    |
|                 TD                   \   | <------ Sebastian with knife; main tag
 \              JEW                  \  /
  \                                       /

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Tyson finds how Jim thinks fascinating.

Tyson is fascinated by how Jim thinks. He knows he does't have a chance of keeping up with him but he enjoys thinking over what Jim had said when he was on his own to trying and follow the train of thought, even though he is certain he is no where near it.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Brothers before all others.

When Tyson returned to Britian he stayed with his brother for three weeks but he left because he knew the army would be looking for his brother to track him down. Jethro was taken in for questioning but said he didn't know where Tyson was and that he hadn't seen him.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Why does Tyson have Lily?

Those who pay attention to the threads may have noticed that Tyson is nearly always followed by Lily.

I made the decision to give Tyson Lily because she calms him down. After all Tyson has been through it is very unlikely he wouldn't have some form of PTSD, Lily acts as a therapy dog for him. She keeps him calm and makes his fingers twitches minimally.

Lily is there to act as a barrier for him.

Saturday, 11 August 2012


Jethro used to sneak Tyson out with him on summer nights so that they could swim in the creak after the area became a national park and they couldn't go in the day time.

Once they went in the late Autumn and Tyson got hypothermia. Jethro left so guilt he stayed at home with Tyson until he got better, as their father worked all day he didn't notice and Jethro phoned the school to say they both had chicken pox so they school wouldn't tell their father they weren't at school. It was during that week the Tyson learned to cook chicken soup by watching Jethro make it for him. Now whenever Tyson is ill he makes chicken soup like Jethro made it even though the recipe isn't as nice to him as the canned soups.

Friday, 10 August 2012

The Piano Man

Whilst Tyson and Sebastian were in India, Tyson would play the piano to earn money.

Whilst Sebastian would spend the night drinking, Tyson would play the piano so that he could keep an eye on Sebastian whilst making sure they had enough money to get food and pay off Sebastian's bar bills. They had no need to pay for hotels because they spent most nights in the streets.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Every breath counts.

Ever since he stayed in the first Monastery, Tyson has always made sure to regulate his breathing. In through his nose then out through his mouth, even when he's just walking. It's the technique used when he meditates.

He does this because of several reasons, the most important being it causes him less pain when Sebastian injures him. This works because it puts less stress on his ribs as he breaths.

The second reason is that it keeps him calm, meaning that his head is more clear and he can come up with a better way to address a situation even if he is angry or upset it allows him to think properly.

The third reason is that it allows him to feel some control. Since he met Sebastian he's had very little control over his life and controlling his breathing lets him feel as though he has some control.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Tyson's military carrier timespan.

His entire time in the army was eleven years: four years basic training, followed by five years training the dogs, and then two years on the front line. 

Monday, 6 August 2012

Four years

Jethro is four years older than Tyson.

This is so he is young enough to have a strong bond with Tyson but old enough that he would be able to look after Tyson when their father was away.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Face Claim - Young Tyson.

Zachary Gordon.

A close call.

Halfway across Pakistan a military patrol passed Sebastian and Tyson by inches. They spotted the patrol early and hid under one of the huts, they were raised to stop flood water getting into the huts.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Is Tyson a badass?

[[I had to make a post about this.
So above is what was written, for context read the thread but basically Tyson is the king of nerve points. None of the nerve points he had mentioned are made up, they all work because I have done them on myself and on others. None cause damage but they can be a little sore for a few minutes.
So yes, Tyson is a bad ass. When he is confident, but most of the time? He is terrified. Think of it like an army dog, trained to be unstoppable, who has been beaten everyday.]]

[[I think your character development is just…whhwhhe rekh. That tag was relevant for that time, I mean I keep thinking back to when Jo felt so sorry for him and now she’s like…OH CRAP!]] 
[[Is “whhwhhe rekh” character development good or bad?
To be honest I feel sorry for Tyson most of the time. #Pats endearingly.#]]
[[GOOD GOOD! DEFO GOOD! I felt so sorry for Tyson at the beginning of our welcome rp but now I’m like…wow the dude can handle himself.]] 
[[Thank you. I’m loving Jo, you write her so well. It’s incredible.]]
[[It really puts the amount of power Sebastian has over him into perspective.]]

Original post. I felt it was best to post here to show what Sebastian has done to Tyson.
The parts pushed inwards are Jo's mun talking.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Why Sebastian was introduced?

Some of you might remember that originally Tyson knew, the now closed account, 'sniperoftheyear' and their relationship was positive, it was how he originally met Jim. So why did we introduce the new Sebastian?

When Tyson was used on stage he had a demon from his past who abused him who had only ever been referred to as "The Colonel". Since Tyson is fairly well established in the Sherlock community now, Peter and I decided that "The Colonel" could be Colonel Moran as he was discharged from the army and went to India like Tyson had. We decided that it would make sense that eventually the colonel would come looking for Tyson.
It was Peter's decision for Sebastian not to get on with Jim, his reasoning was that it you looked at it from Sebastian's point of view Jim has taken away Tyson from him so naturally would dislike him. Sebastian's point of view may change over time but that is something to discover later on in time.

I hope this answers your question, anon.

The First Monastery: Part Three

Summery: Tyson is healed enough that Sebastian says they can leave. They set off in the middle of the night.
Part One.
Part Two.

The First Monastery: Part Two.

Summary: Healing Tyson / more on how Sebastian isn't a complete monster.
Sorry that this one is short but there's not much to tell.
Part One.
Part Three.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012


His lowest left rib has a inwards dent from the amount of times Sebastian has broken the bone.

The dent in his torso is roughly an inch deep, five inches long, and an inch and a half in height. It is positioned where his lowest left rip is, it stops that area his torso being a smooth curve like the rest of his torso and turns it into an ‘m’ shape.

The First Monastery: Part One.

Summery: Tyson is injured badly and Sebastian can not get him to a hospital so takes him to the monastery, who take them in and help patch up Tyson.
Story under the cut, as always this was a collaboration with Peter to ensure Sebastian is in character.
Side note / head canon from Peter: Sebastian refures to Tyson as the boy because of the age gap between them.
Part Two.