Tyson has a scar on his left shoulder where Sebastian cut him, it is overlapped by a scar from Lily biting him.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
At Anon's request: Nice Sebastian.
‘Go on rain, make it a perfect set of disasters’ Tyson mentally threatened the grey clouds. He was already soaked, rain wouldn’t make that much of a difference. His damp hair stuck to his forehead in that irritating I can only see a millimetre of you but it’s enough that I can’t not see it way that damp hair possesses. He was sat with his knees pulled up to his chest, his dog-tags balanced on his left knee.
Sebastian sat down next to Tyson on the stone wall. “Cheer up, would ya?”
Sebastian sat down next to Tyson on the stone wall. “Cheer up, would ya?”
Tyson looked away from the older man. “Go away, Sebastian. I’m not in the mood.”
Sebastian gave Tyson a nudge, “I know. I’m not after a lay, just want to see you smile Ty.”
Tyson stood up and made to storm off. Sebastian hooked an arm around his waist and pulled him back down. Tyson let himself be manhandled onto the wall.
Tyson stood up and made to storm off. Sebastian hooked an arm around his waist and pulled him back down. Tyson let himself be manhandled onto the wall.
“I brought some fish and chips.” Sebastian held up the porsolin box as a peace offering. Tyson frowned in confusion.
“We’re in India and you managed to find fish and chips. You really are a Brit through and through.”
Sebastian shrugged opening the box and handing Tyson a wooden fork. “Apparently this place is popular with British backpackers.” Tyson nodded glumly, nibbling on a piece of batter from what tasted like Cod but could easily be Haddock.
Sebastian sighed, then wrapped an arm around Tyson neck, giving his shoulder a squeeze.
“If you hadn’t taken him out he would have taken me out.” Tyson said nothing.
“If you hadn’t taken him out he would have taken me out.” Tyson said nothing.
Sebastian placed the vinegar drowned food down on the wall with a heavy hand making the chips move from being beached on one pile of salt to a slightly smaller one.
“Why does this bother you so much? You’ve killed before.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Sebastian could see he wasn’t going to get anything out of Tyson. “Eat.” He handed Tyson the inedible food then got up to walk back into the village.
Tyson gave the food a couple more tries before concluding that Sebastian didn’t understand condiments weren’t too be used like milk.
Sebastian returned during Tyson’s attempts to drink enough water to remove the taste of salt. “Here.”
Sebastian handed Tyson a well read leather bound book. Tyson read the worn spine, “a course in pure mathematics?”
“I thought it would cheer you up.” Tyson leaned forward and hugged Sebastian.
“Thank you.”
Sebastian smiled, “Any time.” He, rather unwisely, took a bite from the fish before spitting it out. “Oh God, thats saltier than the bleedin’ red bloody sea.” Tyson smiled fondly and….
Tyson woke up from the dream. He made his way to the bookcase, ignoring Lily barks of welcome, and took down the book. He sat down on the floor with his back to the wall and ran two tentative fingered along the spine. He missed those days, when Sebastian was sober, back when he cared about Tyson.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
[[This is more for my benefit encase I delete it by mistake, but still it might be of interest.]]
The stars represent how the songs change Tyson's mood, the further left the worse the mood the further right the better. Playing these songs in this order keeps him in the content mood with him bouncing around the room.
As always click to make it bigger. The list bellow the cut is why each song puts him in that mood.
The stars represent how the songs change Tyson's mood, the further left the worse the mood the further right the better. Playing these songs in this order keeps him in the content mood with him bouncing around the room.
As always click to make it bigger. The list bellow the cut is why each song puts him in that mood.
Aside from the occasional two day stumble he has a smooth face, because his father had a beard which he grew to loath.
That went well...
Nearby Mirgarh Sebastian set fire to the dry grass with the end of his cigarette nearly destroying their supplies.
Wrong arm
He has a jagged scar on his right wrist, caused by Razor [a dog from his first class] bitting the wrong arm, the one without the protector on it during attack training.
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Central Scar
In the centre of his chest there is a small scar where Sebastian's knife went through his tags during an argument in Pakistan.
Danny boy
When Sebastian's beating were particularly vicious Tyson would sing Oh Danny boy because it is what Jethro sung to Tyson when he was young.
Friday, 27 July 2012
Lily is part Dhole.
Lily is part Dhole, a wild dog found in Pakistan, despite her coat being from a Dalmatian mother. Dhole was chosen because it is a wild dog that can breed with domesticated dogs and has been reported in Pakistan.
This was first referenced in this post.
This was first referenced in this post.
Turn on or turn off? Round up.
Q: Being tied up. Kiss of the neck. Being called kiddo. Having hair pulled. Tickling.
A: Turn on, but only when it’s with a tie.
A: Turn on, but only when it’s with a tie.
Turn on, my neck is extremely sensitive.
Turn off.
Turn on/off, it depends on the scenario.
Turn off. [[I would like to point out that whilst I made Tyson answer these he was blushing so hard I thought he’d turn claret. Also I know this was you, Peter.]]
Q: Harsh kissing. Being told to suck someone off. Being ridden. Having hickeys. Wearing restrictive clothing.
A: Turn on.
Turn on.
Turn off.
Turn on.
Turn off.
[[He is now so red he matches his shirt. #Pats adoringly.#]]
Q: Being leashed. Predicament bondage (forced to retain good posture to avoid shock/heat/etc). Being marked. Being fucked hard. Being petted. Being teased for a long time before release. Being overstimulated.
A: Turn on.
Turn off.
Turn on.
Turn on, sometimes depends on the person.
Depend which you mean. The one most teens do: turn on. As in puppy: neither it’s just comforting.
Depends on how long a long time is but normally turn on.
Turn on.
[[I think you just broke him. He was stuttering for a good thirty seconds before he’d answer. Currently he’s a dark scarlet…]]
Q: Sex in public. Electricity. Swearing. Sex with virgins. Biting. Spooning
A: Turn off.
Turn off.
Depends on the word.
Not really either.
Turn on.
Neither, but I love spooning, or cuddling, or any variation where I’m being held or holding someone.
[[Anon, this was cruel he’d only just stopped blushing.]]
The women in Khushab.
Whilst on his first journey through Pakistan Tyson had few opportunities to talk to anyone other than Sebastian but he did have one conversation with a young women who gave him money to help on his travel, she said that 'he reminded her of her brother, and that she wished him well on his journey'. The money lasted for five weeks after meeting the women in Khushab.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Sunstroke number one.
Drakalo was where he first passed out because of the heat. The doctor who took care of him spoke very little English, so when Tyson first came to he tried to runaway but only managed to get two metres before collapsing.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Under the trees.
Tyson kept as close to trees as he could in Pakistan. He enjoyed the relative cool the shade provided, during the day time trips he passed out from heat strokes twice. The first time he was in a village and a doctor took care of him. The second time he had been found and moved to a village where a hospital checked him over.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Monastery Mishap
When he stayed in the monastery in Pakistan he stayed because he thought it would be safe to stay there as the military would be cautious to enter a religious area, and when they did it would only be one or two of them. He was correct. When they entered a monk helped him out through the Southern entrance to the monastry and gave him a canteen of water for the journey.

Anonymous24 July 2012 09:59
Why is he called Jethro?
Tyson's brother is called Jethro because it means overachieve which is a trait their father would want in a son.
Going the distance
He travelled by day once he was with Lily because he knew the army would expect him to go by night so during the day he could build up a good distance.
Monday, 23 July 2012
North vs South
Despite it being the part of Pakistan he explored with Sebastian, Tyson enjoyed the north of Pakistan better than the south. Mainly because he doesn't enjoy being in the heat for too long and with Sebastian most of the travelling was done by night and by day they stayed in the shade to sleep.
Meeting the mutt.
Tyson met Lily when she was one she is now three years old. She was one when they met which means that she was young enough to train easily as she had developed few bad habits and her breed meant she picked up the training with relative ease.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Friday, 20 July 2012
Tyson and Jethro set up an emergency bank account using the money their mother left them. It was set up in case one of them became homeless, each year they both put £100 in the account.
At the time it was unnecessary as both had access to the family fortune, however neither would have put it past their father to cut off their access for disobeying him.
At the time it was unnecessary as both had access to the family fortune, however neither would have put it past their father to cut off their access for disobeying him.
When on the run from the military with Sebastian they spent two weeks in a Monestry in India so Tyson's ribs could heal. Whilst there the monk who put his ribs back in place taught him to meditate to regulate his breathing so he would be in less pain. Tyson regularly meditates because it helps him think.
Tyson had previously learnt how to calm down and breath with Jasmine, but she had taught him how to calm down after an anxiety attack. Not how to breath in a way that minimised the movement of his ribs.
Tyson had previously learnt how to calm down and breath with Jasmine, but she had taught him how to calm down after an anxiety attack. Not how to breath in a way that minimised the movement of his ribs.
Since he was seven Tyson had wanted a dog, which is why his first job was training dogs at the vets.
To appease his father, Tyson claimed that he wanted the job to get some experience working before continuing the family legacy at Cambridge. Tyson still isn't sure if his father actually believed him, or was simply willing to make a rare allowance for his son's happiness.
To appease his father, Tyson claimed that he wanted the job to get some experience working before continuing the family legacy at Cambridge. Tyson still isn't sure if his father actually believed him, or was simply willing to make a rare allowance for his son's happiness.
He dropped out of school at seventeen to join the Army so his father couldn't make him go to Cambridge university to teach mathematics, but by this point he'd already earned his degrees (3 Ph.Ds) and any work he had left was just tidying up course work. He (technically) left a week before his seventeenth birthday, but he thinks of it as his seventeenth birthday.
UPDATE 03/10/2013 - This makes Tyson's timeline, at this point in time, read as follows: seventeen year in Cambridge, eleven years in the army (four years basic training, followed by five years training the dogs, and then two years on the front line with Sebastian), fifteen months on the run with Sebastian, four months in the Middle East, two months travelling across Europe, and just over a year and a half with Jim.
He only had two 'friends' at school: Peter Benjamin Campbell and Alastair John Mandelson. Alastair was the one who convinced him to join the military.
Even after finding out that his father had paid them to be his friends, Tyson's desire to join remained. He just needed that first push to join, to spite his father and abandon the family legacy.
Even after finding out that his father had paid them to be his friends, Tyson's desire to join remained. He just needed that first push to join, to spite his father and abandon the family legacy.
Tyson's father was a Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University. Whilst there he earned the nickname "Lucifer" for his ruthless attitude and harsh marking, this nickname came from both students and teachers. He is now deceased.
This was funny to the students and some of the professors, but they didn't have the same context as the Delaney family. Their family is ethnically and religiously Jewish, the nickname left a bad taste in everyone's mouths.
This was funny to the students and some of the professors, but they didn't have the same context as the Delaney family. Their family is ethnically and religiously Jewish, the nickname left a bad taste in everyone's mouths.
Tyson's mother, whose maiden name was Anne Samantha Williams, left his father when Tyson was four.
As a child Tyson had never understood why his mother left but as he grew up he started to understand, especially after father's beating began. One thing he never came to terms with was why she chose to leave him and Jethro behind.
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