Monday 21 January 2019

Last Will & Testament

Tyson’s last will and testament is incredibly bare bones.
Most of his actual assets are tied up with the web, which upon his death will remain there, and aren’t exactly something Tyson wants to draw too much legal attention towards unnecessarily.
The family manor will go over to Jethro as will a large portion of his share of the family fortune, whilst his dogs and another large sum of money will go to Jasmine. The remainder of Tyson’s money will go to his Godson, Carver Ironwright, and to charity.
The only surprising part - or perhaps not if one knows Tyson - is that Tyson is giving Sebastian (under the pseudonym of Zachary M. Cohen) a penthouse apartment: one owned and protected by the web, somewhere he could be comfortable and supplied with everything he needed.
He doesn’t know if Sebastian would actually accept it, especially once he understood it was being supplied by the Moriarty Mirrors, but Tyson isn’t willing to leave him with nothing. Despite everything, he wants Sebastian to be happy.