Sunday 2 September 2018


Over the years Tyson has sustained many injuries, and he is likely to receive many more before his time in the web comes to a close.
He has gone through broken bones, dozens of concussions, bullet wounds, a chemical attack in the army that left him temporarily blind, nails being ripped out in interrogation, a punctured lung, and far more in his time. Through all of that, he has never gotten any better at listening to doctor’s orders.
In any official records, most of his injuries are unaccounted for. That is one of the downsides of having the Moriarty Mirrors’ doctors taking care of his wounds. Whenever he’s in deep enough trouble to end up in an official hospital, Tyson ends up in hot water over where the unaccounted wounds came from.


Tyson’s most obvious heartbreaks are from Kim and Sebastian.
However, they are far from the only ones to break his heart. For all his plethora of trust issues, Tyson hands over his heart far too easily.
There was also Peter Campbell, one of the people Tyson’s father paid to pretend to be Tyson’s friend; Lee, the French student in Tyson’s military history class who still makes his heart flutter to think of; Geoffrey, one of his fellow strategists in the army who got engaged in the time it took him to find his confidence; and too many others to count.
Tyson doesn’t so much offer his heart out, as throw it as hard as he can at an impassible wall, then somehow seems surprised when he gets hurt.
That said, Tyson handles heartbreak far too well. He is content to pine - to hurt and hurt - so long as the other person is happy, wherever they are.