Saturday 8 December 2012

Word related head canons


Since a young age Tyson had been scared of fire.
Whilst his brother would watch the flames in the fire place and be transfixed by how they moved, Tyson would stare at the flame to make sure they weren’t touching anything flammable. As if looking away from the flames would mean that the house would suddenly turn to ash as the fire burned it down.


From toddler to early teen Tyson was quiet, father was working.

For the rest of his teens Tyson was quiet, father was working.
Twenty to twenty seven Tyson was quiet, there was work to be done.
Traveling to India Tyson was silent, Sebastian was talking.
Fleeing back home Tyson was silent, the police were coming.
Hiding from the Colonel Tyson was silent, everyone was coming.
Now safe and sound with darling dearest Tyson was resounding, the consulting criminal was calling.