Thursday 19 July 2018


Whilst utterly refusing to admit that he is an underdog, Tyson goes out of his way to make sure people see him as an underdog; to make sure people underestimate him.
Being seen as not a threat is essential to the way Tyson operates, but on a personal level, Tyson refuses to admit that he’s an underdog.
The first thing he does when meeting a person is accessing their threat level to understand if he can stand his own against a person, but even then, even acknowledging that the other person is better than he is, Tyson refuses to admit that he’s the underdog.
Always a way out. Always a way to win. Too stubborn to back down.

For Queen and Country

Though the phrase ‘For Queen and Country’ is rather common in Tyson’s vocabulary, it’s always either flippant or a code to mean the Moriarty Mirrors.
He does not care about the royal family nor does he have a particularly strong sense of patriotism. He loves London and Cambridge, and that is about it.
He finds the history of the royal family and royalty in England to be interesting from a historical point of view, but that is where it belongs to Tyson: a part of history, left in the past.
Tyson joined the army to spite his father, not to serve his country.